









2017.09~2019.03 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校UCSD,纳米工程,博士

2016.09~2020.06 中南大学,材料科学与工程,博士

2009.09~2012.06 中南大学,材料学,硕士

2005.09~2009.06 中南大学,无机非金属材料工程,本科


2022.05~今  郑州大学,中原关键金属实验室,直聘副研究员

2021.07~2022.04 郑州大学,化工学院,直聘副研究员

2020.09~2021.06 中南大学,研究助理

2012.07~2016.08 苏州电子材料厂,技术工程师




1. 代表性项目

(1) 河南省中原关键金属实验室,高峰攀登计划优秀青年科学家项目,GJJSGFYQ202315,蒙脱石基硅负极材料构筑及其储锂性能研究,2023.01~今,10万元,在研,主持

(2) 河南省人力资源和社会保障厅,科研启动经费,2022712871,矿物基功能材料的可控制备及其能源环境应用研究,2022.09~2023.124万元,结题,主持

(3) 国家留学基金委,国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目,201706370107,新型纳米结构电极材料的合成及锂离子电池应用研究,2017.09~2019.0320万元,结题,主持

2. 代表性论文

(1) Y. Zhang, R. Zhang, S. Chen, H. Gao, M. Li, X. Song, H. Xin*, Z. Chen*. Diatomite-derived hierarchical porous crystalline-amorphous network for high-performance and sustainable Si anodes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2005956. (IF=19.0, Top期刊, 中科院1)

(2) Y. Zhang, W. Tang*, H. Gao, M. Li, H. Wan, X. Kong, X. Liu, G. Chen, Z. Chen*. Monolithic layered silicon composed of crystalline-amorphous network for sustainable lithium-ion battery anode. ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 15671-15680. (IF=17.1, Top期刊, 中科院1)

(3) H. Wan, L. Hu, X. Liu*, Y. Zhang*, G. Chen, R. Ma*. Advanced hematite nanomaterials for newly emerging applications. Chemical Science, 2023, 14, 2776-2798. (IF=8.4, Top期刊, 中科院1)

(4) Q. Chang, P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Xin*, S. Siahrostami*, J. Chen*, Z. Chen*. Promoting H2O2 production via 2-electron oxygen reduction by coordinating partially oxidized Pd with defect carbon. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 2178. (IF=16.6, Top期刊, 中科院1)

(5) Z. Qin, Y. Zhang, W. Luo, N. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Zhou*, G. Chen*. A universal molten salt method for direct upcycling of spent Ni-rich cathode towards single-crystalline Li-rich cathode. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 135, e202218672. (IF=16.6, Top期刊, 中科院1)

(6) Y. Zhang, X. Long, X. Liu*, G. Chen, N. Zhang, M. Li, R. Ma, H. Wan*. Superlattice-like Co-doped Mn oxide and NiFe hydroxide nanosheets toward an energetic oxygen evolution reaction. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10, 5683-5692. (IF=8.4, 中科院1)

(7) H. Wang, P. Zhang, X. Song*, M. Zhang, X. Kong, S. Jin, X. Chang, Y. Zhang*. Wheat bran derived carbon toward cost-efficient and high performance lithium storage. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 15898-15905. (IF=8.4, 中科院1)

(8) Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Song*. Synthesis of pomegranate-shaped micron ZnMn2O4 with enhanced lithium storage capability. Journal of Materiomics, 2021, 7, 699-707. (IF=9.4, 中科院1)

(9) Y. Zhang, X. Song*, Y. Xu, H. Shen, X. Kong, H. Xu. Utilization of wheat bran for producing activated carbon with high specific surface area via NaOH activation using industrial furnace. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 210, 366-375. (IF=11.1, 中科院1)

(10) Y. Zhang, X. Song*, P. Zhang, H. Gao, C. Ou, X. Kong. Production of activated carbons from four wastes via one-step activation and their applications in Pb2+ adsorption: Insight of ash content. Chemosphere, 2020, 245, 125587. (IF=8.8, 中科院2)

3. 代表性专利

(1) Z. Chen, Y. Zhang. Silicon composite anode materials for Li-ion batteries, WO2022046943A1.

(2) 张颖刘博琛黄飞燕刘小鹤.一种硅纳米管材料的制备方法及应用,2024100819399

4. 奖励与荣誉



受邀担任Adv. Funct. Mater.、Chem. Eng. J.、J. Cleaner Prod.、Sci. Total Environ.、J. Colloid Interface Sci.、Fuel、Electrochim. Acta、Appl. Surf. Sci.、J. Alloys Compd.等多个国际期刊的审稿人。




