
Henan Academy of Big Data


日期:2020-08-24   作者:   点击:


姓 名:崔俊芝

职务/职 称:中国工程院院士,欧洲科学与艺术科学院院士




[1]崔俊芝,丁江平,杨企叶,辛国荣,“按有限元法进行三维连续体应力分析”,“74.8会议论文选编”,计算数学, 91-102,1974。


[3]Cui Jun-Zhi,“The Variational Inequality Method on Contact Problem and Its Application Software”,Eng. Soft. 3, R.A.Adey, Apr. 1983, Spinger-Verlag, 387-400.

[4]Cui Jun-Zhi,“The Numerical Procedures of Solving Large-Scale Nonlinear Discretized Problems”, Invited presentation, Collected Papers of China-U.S Workshop on Advances of Computational Engineering Mechanics, 1983.

[5]CuiJunzhi ,“The Program and Data Organization of the Adaptive FEM Software” , Proceeding of Computer Applications to Civil Engineering, Science Publishers, 1985.

[6]Cui Jun-Zhi, Li Mingrui, Wang Shoumei et al,“The Standardized Techniques of SEEM’s Algorithms and Datum”, Computational Mechanics, Edited by Y.K. Cheung et, al, Proc. of Asian Pacific Conf. on Comp. Mech., Dec.11-13, 1991, 1315-1319.

[7]Jun-Zhi Cui, Han-Yan Yang, Lei Han, “Object-Oriented FE Analysis Software Development”, Invited Lecture on 1-st China-Australia Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Dalian, China, Aug.7-11, 1995, J. Computational Structural Mechanics and Applications, Vol. 12, 1995, 36-41.

[8]J.Z. Cui, “Multi-Scale Computational Method for Unified Design of Structure, Components and Their Materials”, invited presentation on‘Chinese Conference of Computational Mechanics, CCCM-2001’, Dec.5-8, 2001, Proc. On ‘Computational Mechanics in Science and Engineering’, Peking University Press, 2001, PP 33-43.

[9]L.Q. Cao, J.Z. Cui, D.C. Zhu, “Multiscale asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation for the second order Helmholtz equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients over general domains”, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol.40, No. 2, 2002, PP. 543-577.

[10]Cui JZ, Yu XG., “The two-scale methods for mechanics parameter computation of composite materials with periodic distribution”, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, (2006) 22: 581-594.

[11]F.Han, JZ. Cui,Y. Yu, “The statistical second-order two-scale method for mechanical properties of statistically inhomogeneous materials”, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 2010; 84:972—988.

[12]Zihao Yang, Junzhi Cui, “The statistical second-order two-scale analysis for dynamic thermo-mechanical performances of the composite structure with consistent random distribution of particles”, Computational Materials Science, 69 (2013) 359–373.





[3]崔俊芝, 杜藏, 黄思曾, 於崇华,“软件设计基础”, 高等教育出版社, 1995。











[9]2004年获“APACM Special Awards for Senior Scientists”——个人奖。





[3]曾任数值计算与计算机应用、计算数学、JCM等杂志的副主编;力学学报、中国工程科学、Acta Mech.等十多个刊物的编委;

[4]现任“Frontier of Structure and Civil Engineering Frontier of Structure and Civil Engineering”(Sci.Q2)主编;“Engineering”杂志的“Engineering Achievement”专栏主编,“Engineering”杂志的“土-水-建工程学科”执行主编; IJCESES、应用数学与力学等十多个刊物的编委;





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