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Zhengzhou University held the donation ceremony of Movement Realty (Henan) Co., LTD

On the afternoon of December 13,2018, the donation ceremony of Movement Realty (Henan) Co., Ltd. was held in the Comprehensive Management Center of Zhengzhou University.

the site of the ceremony

Gu Zhenqing, vice president of Zhengzhou University, was delivering a speech.

Sun Zhanzhong, chairman of Movement Realty (Henan) Co., Ltd., was delivering a speech.

Li Sugui, Deputy Director of Development and Liaison Office, was presiding.

Sign the donation agreement

On behalf the Education Development Foundation, Zhang Shuxiang accepted the donation.

Donation certificate is issued.

On behalf of the school, Gu Zhenqing presented a commemorative plaque.

the group photo