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发布日期:2023-11-22  来源:   点击量:






[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,海洋环境下复材网格-水下不分散砂浆复合加固锈蚀桥墩抗震性能研究,项目编号:523082932024.01-2026.1230万,在研,主持;

[2] 河南省博士后科研资助项目,腐蚀环境下 FRP 筋增强混凝土界面粘结长期性能研究,项目编号:HN20220062023.01-2024.1210万,在研,主持;

[3] 郑州大学求是科研启动项目,海洋环境下复合材料筋及其与混凝土界面耐久性能与退化机理研究,项目编号:322131972022.01-2025.0112万,在研,主持;

[4] 国家重点研发计划课题,大拉力纤维增强复合材料索锚具、连接件及其轻量化大跨结构体系研究,项目编号:2017YFC07030062017.07-2020.06212万,结题,参与;

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,FRP型材-高耐久连接一体化设计及长期荷载下损伤机理和性能研究,项目编号:51878149, 2019.01-2022.12,结题,参与;


[1] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Liu S, Chen ZY, Wu ZS. Prediction of long-term durability of unidirectional/multidirectional basalt fiber- and hybrid fiber- reinforced polymer profiles under concrete environment[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 384:131248.

[2] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Wu ZS. Seismic behavior degradation of steel-FRP composite bar reinforced concrete beams in marine environment based on experimental and numerical investigation[J]. Composite Structures, 2023, 313:116949.

[3] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Liu S, Wu ZS. Flexural property and design method evaluation of BFRP and steel bars hybrid reinforced concrete beams[J]. Structural Concrete, 2023, 24(4):4942-4959.

[4] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Wu ZS, Xiaoguang Ma. Durability of seawater sea sand concrete beams reinforced with carbon nanotube-modified BFRP bars in a marine environment[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 292:115642.

[5] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Wu ZS. Effect of carbon nanotubes and silica nanoparticles on the durability of basalt fiber reinforced polymer composites in seawater and sea sand concrete environment[J]. Polymer Composites, 2021, 42(7):3427-3444.

[6] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Yu PC. Enhancement of mechanical behavior of resin matrices and fiber reinforced polymer composites by incorporation of multi-wall carbon nanotubes[J]. Polymer Testing, 2021, 96:107077.

[7] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Chen ZY, Liu S, Wu ZS. Experimental study on the seismic behavior of seawater sea sand concrete beams reinforced with steel-FRP composite bars[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 248:113269.

[8] Su C, Wang X, Ding LN, Wu ZS. Enhancement of mechanical behavior of FRP composites modified by silica nanoparticles[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262:120769.

[9] Wang X, Su C, Deng WJ, Wu ZS. Bond behavior between corrugated BFRP shell and concrete under monotonic and cyclic loads[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 210:596-606.

[10] Chen ZY, Wang X, Jiang KD, Su C, Wu ZS. Mechanical properties of a novel UHPC reinforced with macro basalt fibers[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 377:131107.

[11] Liu S, Wang X, Ali Y, Su C, Wu ZS. Flexural behavior and design of under-reinforced concrete beams with BFRP and steel bars[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 263:114386.


  1. 获河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖一项;

    [2] 指导学生获河南省第十届大学生结构设计竞赛二等奖两项。


    电子邮箱:changsu@zzu.edu.cn sc9917@126.com







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