郭奥飞,河南驻马店平舆人,九三学社,工学博士,郑州大学直聘副研究员,Sustainable Structures青年编委。
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号:52208295,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持;
[2] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目,编号:2023T160594,2023.07-2025.06,在研,主持;
[3] 中国博士后科学基金项目,编号:2021M702954,2021.09-2023.07,在研,主持;
[4] 河南省自然科学基金青年项目,编号:222300420314,2022.01-2023.12,在研,主持;
1. Offei, I., Guo, A.*, Sun, Z.*, Qi, C., & Sathitsuksanoh, N. (2023). Preventing ASR-induced deteriorations with hydrophobic aggregates-a feasibility study. Construction and Building Materials, 394, 132277.
2. Guo, A.*, Sun, Z., Sathitsuksanoh, N., & Shang, H. (2023). Dispersion of Sonicated Sulfated Cellulose Nanocrystals and Their Effect on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Mortars. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35(6), 04023149.
3. Feng, H., Liang, J., Guo, A.*, Lv, L., Sun, Z., Sheikh, M. N., & Liu, F. (2023). Development and design of ultra-high ductile magnesium phosphate cement-based composite using fly ash and silica fume. Cement and Concrete Composites, 137, 104923.
4. Aofei Guo, Zhihui Sun, Hu Feng*, Hong Shang, & Noppadon Sathitsuksanoh (2023). State-of-the-art review on the use of lignocellulosic biomass in cementitious materials. Sustainable Structures, Vol.3, No.1, 2023.
5. Feng, H., Nie, S., Guo, A.*, Lv, L., & Yu, J. (2022). Evaluation on the performance of magnesium phosphate cement-based engineered cementitious composites (MPC-ECC) with blended fly ash/silica fume. Construction and Building Materials, 341, 127861.
6. Feng, H., Nie, S., Guo, A.*, Lv, L., Chu, L., & Yu, J. (2022). Fresh properties and compressive strength of MPC-based materials with blended mineral admixtures. Case Studies in Construction Materials, e01201.
7. Feng, H., Zhu, P., Guo, A.*, Cheng, Z., Zhao, X., & Gao, D. (2022). Assessment of the mechanical properties and water stability of nano-Al2O3 modified high ductility magnesium potassium phosphate cement-based composites. Materials Today Communications, 103179.
8. Guo, A., Zhou, F.*, Du, Y., & Li, C. (2021). Flexural Behavior of Layered PVA Fiber/Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Plates. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-11.
9. Feng, H., Nie, S., Guo, A.*, Shen, S., Gao, D., & Chen, G. (2021). Flexural behavior of high ductility MPC-based composites under low-temperature curing. Construction and Building Materials, 300, 124231.
10. Guo, A., Zhou, F.*, Du, Y., & Yan, R. (2021). Dynamic Compressive Behavior of CTRC and ECC Layered Concrete under Impact Load. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-12.
11. Guo, A*., Sun, Z., & Satyavolu, J. (2021). Experimental and finite element analysis on flexural behavior of mortar beams with chemically modified kenaf fibers. Construction and Building Materials, 292, 123449.
12. Shi, J., Liu, B.*, Zhou, F., Shen, S., Guo, A.*, & Xie, Y. (2021). Effect of steam curing regimes on temperature and humidity gradient, permeability and microstructure of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 281, 122562.
13. Guo, A., Sun, Z., Sathitsuksanoh, N., & Feng, H.* (2020). A Review on the Application of Nanocellulose in Cementitious Materials. Nanomaterials, 10(12), 2476.
14. Guo, A.*, Sun, Z., & Satyavolu, J. (2020). Impact of modified kenaf fibers on shrinkage and cracking of cement pastes. Construction and Building Materials, 264, 120230.
15. Guo, A.*, Sun, Z., Qi, C., & Sathitsuksanoh, N. (2020). Hydration of Portland Cement Pastes Containing Untreated and Treated Hemp Powders. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(6), 04020148.
16. Guo, A., Sun, Z., & Satyavolu, J.* (2019). Impact of chemical treatment on the physiochemical and mechanical properties of kenaf fibers. Industrial Crops and Products, 141, 111726.
17. Guo, A.*, Aamiri, O. B., Satyavolu, J., & Sun, Z.* (2019). Impact of thermally modified wood on mechanical properties of mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 208, 413-420.