
Henan Academy of Big Data

学术报告——Averaging principle for slow-fast systems of stochastic PDEs with rough coefficients

日期:2023-04-22   作者:   点击:



时间:2023426 1000

报告地点:河南省大数据研究院五楼会议室/线上腾讯会议ID: 284864308

摘要: In this talk, we consider a class of slow-fast systems of stochastic partial differential equations where the nonlinearity in the slow equation is not continuous and unbounded. We first provide conditions that ensure the existence of a martingale solution. Then we prove that the laws of the slow motions are tight, and any of their limiting points is a martingale solution for a suitable averaged equation. Our results apply to systems of stochastic reaction-diffusion equations where the reaction term in the slow equation is only continuous and has polynomial growth.

个人简介:竺毅纯,博士毕业于马里兰大学,现在在中科院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学所做博后。主要研究兴趣包括Navier-Stokes 方程,随机流体,operation research等。目前已经在 journal of statistical physics asymptotic analysis 等杂志上发表多篇学术论文。


上一条:学术报告——Asymptotic Behavior of Multi-scale Stochastic Differential Equations

下一条:学术报告——The high order positivity-preserving conservative remapping methods and theirs application in the ALE simulation of compressible fluid flow



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