单位:Lund University, Sweden
时间:2023年8 月 6日, 14:00-18:00
摘要: This talk firstly introduces the importance of research on lake water quantity and quality, and then describes the research results obtained in recent years on the use of multi-source satellite remote sensing techniques for lake area, water level, water storage, lake evaporation, lake ice phenology and lake water quality. Finally, it introduces the ongoing Sino-Swedish cooperation projects and other research projects.
段峥,2014年于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学获得博士学位。现为瑞典隆德大学自然地理与生态科学系副教授,博士生导师。多年来一直从事遥感水文方面的研究,围绕着水循环各组分开展了系统研究。先后主持和共同主持瑞典环境自然科学基金项目,中瑞合作项目等多项。参与中德合作项目2项。在Remote Sensing of Environment, Water Research, Journal of Hydrology等期刊发表SCI论文80余篇。论文总引用4500余次,单篇最高300余次。在德国和瑞典主讲多门硕士研究生及博士专业课程,获得学生好评,多次获得优秀教师奖金。