研究领域: 组织创新学,绿色金融,ESG投资
2014.09 — 2019.04 伊拉斯姆斯大学鹿特丹管理学院 博士 组织创新学
2012.09 — 2014.07 西南财经大学金融学院 硕士 金融
2008.09 — 2012.07 郑州大学商学院 本科 金融
[1] Wu, V., Liu, Y., Jia, F., Guo, P., Zhang, R., Guan, G., …, Long, A. (2020). China Sustainable Investment Review 2020. Beijing: SynTao Green Finance Research China SIF.
[2] Jia, F. (2019). The value of happiness in entrepreneurship. Rotterdam: ERIM Erasmus University Rotterdam.
[3] Jia, F., & Zhang, Y. (2018). The impact of positive affect on entrepreneurial motivational outcomes – A self-regulatory perspective. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16(4), 627-654.
[4] Jia, F., Zhang, Y., & Van Stel, A. (2018). The value of a happy population for relative engagement in vertical-scaling and horizontal-scaling entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2018(1), 13971.