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Qinglei ZHOU

2018-09-19   作者:   点击:

 Qinglei ZHOU, Ph.D.


   Honorary Director, ICTACT  

    School of Information Engineering
          Zhengzhou University

    Zhengzhou, China

I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Information Engineering University. Currently, I am working as a professor in the School of Information Engineering at Zhengzhou University. And I am the Executive Dean of this school. Furthermore, I am a vice-chairman of ACM Zhengzhou chapter, outstanding member of China Computer Federation (CCF), member of CCF council, President of Henan Computer Federation.

I engaged in the whole procedure of the several R&D projects, including National 863 Program of China under grant 2009AA012201 and National key R&D Plan of China under grant 2016YFB0800100. And I participated in developing the world's first mimic computer, which was voted China's Top Ten Scientific and Technological Advances for 2013.

Up to now, I have published more than one hundred and twenty research papers in academic journals and conferences at home and abroad. Furthermore, I won the several awards, including First Prize of Natural Scientific Academic Award of Henan Province, and Youth Science Award of Henan Province. In addition, I was honored with one of the Academic & Technical Leader of Henan Province, and Excellent Youth Scientific & Technical Expert of Henan Province.

My research interests include information security, automata theory, computational complexity theory, formal methods, model checking, software reliability, DNA computing and operating systems.

上一条:Jian WANG