Lei Wenping
Associate Prof.
Office Tel: 0086-371-67781792
Mobile: 0086-13526638412
E-mail: lwp@zzu.edu.cn
WeChat: lwpdeweixin
Website: www.zzu.edu.cn
Research Interests
Equipment diagnosis and condition monitoring
Ph.D., Zhengzhou University, Chemical Process Machinery ,2016
M.S., Zhengzhou University, Mechanotronics, 2003
B.S., Zhengzhou Technology University,Machine Design and automation ,2000
[1] LEI Wen-ping,Han Jie etc.Research on dynamic characteristic of the rotors connected by the misaligned gear coupling. Advanced Materials Research.2012,490:2662~2666[EI: 20121414924123]
[2] Lei Wen-Ping, Han Jie, Chen Hong, Gong, Xiao-Yun. The modified balance method based on precession decomposition. Proceedings-2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, 2011,2:632-636 [EI: 20113414258498]
[3] Li Lin-Jun,Lei Wen-ping Intelligent fault diagnosis method based on vector-bispectrum and SVDD.Advanced Materials Research.2012,490:1029~1033[EI:20121414923792]
[4] Chen Lei, Han Jie, Lei Wenping, et al. Prediction Model of Vibration Feature for Equipment Maintenance Based on Full Vector Spectrum[J]. Shock and Vibration,2017,(2017-3-12), 2017, 2017(8):1-8.
[5] Chen Lei, Han Jie, Lei Wenping, et al. Full-Vector Signal Acquisition and Information Fusion for the Fault Prediction[J]. International Journal of Rotating Machinery,2016,(2016-3-20), 2016, 2016(12):1-7.
[6] Lei Chen, Jie Han, Wenping Lei, et al. Research on Equipment Fault Prediction Method Based on Full Vector Spectrum[C], the 29th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 2016.
[7] Chen Lei, Han Jie, Lei Wenping, et al. Vibration phase measurement method based on embedded system, Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery, 2015.13(2):153-157.
[8] Chen Lei, Han Jie, Lei Wenping, et al. Study of the Measurement and Analysis System for the Crystallizer Vibro-bench’s Low Frequency Vibration, Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014.33(S):22-24.
[9] Chen Hong, Lei Wenping, Chen Lei, et al. A Novel Quantitive Calculation Method of Dynamic Misalignment in Rotor Systems[J]. China Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 27(17):2379-2383.
Honors and Awards
[1] 2009,河南省科技进步二等奖“设备远程诊断技术及系列产品开发”,证书编号:2009-J-087-R06/10;
[2] 2018,水利部大禹水利科学技术奖三等奖,雷文平、李国平、李得保、韩捷等,大型泵站安全监测与健康评估关键技术研究应用。
[3] 产业化项目: ETM设备全生命周期管理系统关键技术研究(编号:D0002897);ETM产品2017年被认定为河南省首台(套)重大技术装备产品;被评选为河南省优秀软件产品