Liu BenXue
Office Tel: 0086-371-67781235
Website: www.zzu.edu.cn
Ph.D., Changan University, 2007
M.S., Changan University, 2003
B.S., North University of China, 2000
Research Interests
Vehicle reliability assessment and enhancement,Intelligent Equipment and Automation Devices
Representative Projects
1)Basic Research on Explosion-proof Piezoelectric Motor-National Natural Science Foundation Youth Science Foundation Project;
2)Research on the New Method of Multi-fault Composite Diagnosis Based on the Bayesian Independent Component Analysis Theory-National Natural Science Foundation Youth Science Foundation Project;
3)Study on piezoelectric harmonic motors at speeds below 1 RPM-National Natural Science Foundation Youth Science Foundation Project;
4)Research and industrialization of potential energy recovery collecting loader
1)Establishment and Compaction Experiment of Dynamics Model for Impact-imitated Vibratory Roller
2)Fatigue life evaluation on the seam welds in the main rotation platform of YTQH800
3)Mechanical Manufacturing Automation Technology
Honors and Awards
1)Outstanding Teacher of Zhengzhou University
2)Outstanding Communist Party Member of Zhengzhou University
3)Jiaozuo City's first outstanding talents for innovation and entrepreneurship