陈迪,男,武汉大学本科、博士,加拿大The UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre博士后,硕士研究生导师,郑州大学药物分析系青年教师。2018年7月入职郑州大学药学院,主要研究领域包括新型样品前处理技术、靶向质谱分析、质谱成像分析等。主持国家博士后科学基金面上项目、河南省自然科学基金青年项目、郑州大学优秀教师启动基金等多项科研项目。近年来以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Chromatography A、Food Chemistry、Food Control、Talanta、Analyst等药物分析、分析化学、食品分析权威期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。指导本科生创新创业项目和研究生创新创业项目多项。承担有“药物分析实验”、“色谱分析”、“药物色谱分析前沿”、留学生“分析化学”等课程中部分章节的教学工作。Food Chemistry、Journal of Chromatography A、Journal of Chromatography B、Antioxidants、Molecules等多个SCI期刊审稿专家。
邮箱: dichen@zzu.edu.cn;微信: chendi20082009
2019.01-2020.03,The UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre (British Columbia, Canana), (Cooperation Supervisor: Dr. Christoph Borchers and Dr. Jun Han),博士后
1. 郑州大学青年教师专项科研基金,基于在线富集与原位衍生技术的生物样品中醛类高灵敏度、自动化质谱分析方法研究, 2019.05-2020.12,在研,主持。
2. 基于MALDI和DESI双源互补质谱成像技术的纳米载体原位药物释放的可视化研究,河南省自然科学基金青年科学基金,2020.01-2021.12,主持。
3. 基于稳定同位素标记技术的定量质谱成像方法及其在纳米药物载体生物组织分布和药物释放可视化研究中的应用,第70中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2021.10-2023.01,主持。
1. 冯钰锜, 陈迪, 粉末状磁性吸附剂与常压质谱源的联用分析方法, 专利号: ZL201510055403.0
1. S.T. Wang, D. Chen, J. Ding, B.F. Yuan, Y.Q. Feng, Borated titania, a new option for the selective enrichment of cis-diol biomolecules. Chemistry –A European Journal 2013, 19, 606-612.
2. D. Chen, Y.Q. Huang, X.M. He, Z.G. Shi, Y.Q. Feng, Coupling carbon nanotube film microextraction with desorption corona beam ionization for rapid analysis of Sudan dyes (I-IV) and Rhodamine B in chilli oil. Analyst. 2015, 140, 1731-1738.
3. D. Chen, H.B. Zheng, Y.Q. Huang, Y.N. Hu, Q.W. Yu, B.F. Yuan, Y.Q. Feng, Magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with desorption corona beam ionization-mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of antidepressants in human body fluids. Analyst. 2015, 140, 5662-5670.
4. D. Chen, Y.-N. Hu, D. Hussain, G.-T. Zhu, Y.-Q. Huang, Y.-Q. Feng, Electrospun fibrous thin film microextraction coupled with desorption corona beam ionization-mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of antidepressants in human plasma. Talanta 2016, 152, 188-195.
5. D. Chen#, J. Ding#, M.K. Wu, T.Y. Zhang, C.B. Qi, Y.Q. Feng, A liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method based on post column derivatization for automated analysis of urinary hexanal and heptanal. J. Chromatogr. A 2017, 1493, 57-63. (# co-first author)
6. Y.-N. Hu#, D. Chen#, T.Y. Zhang, J. Ding, Y.Q. Feng*, Use of ammonium sulfite as a post-column derivatization reagent for rapid detection and quantification of aldehydes by LC-MS. Talanta 2019, 206, 120172. (# co-first author)
7. Han, W.-C.; Shi, N.; Wang, X.-Y.; Wang, Z.-H.; Wang, K.-L.; Gao, M.; Yu, L.; Chen, D*.; Xu, X.*, Application of Natural Cotton Fibers as an Extraction Sorbent for the Detection of trans-Resveratrol in Adulterated Peanut Oils. Food Chemistry, 2020, 339, 127885.
8. Chen, D.; Han, J.; Yang, J.; Schibli, D.; Zhang, Z.; Borchers, C. H., Supermolecule-assisted imaging of low-molecular-weight quaternary-ammonium compounds by MALDI-MS of their non-covalent complexes with cucurbit[7]uril. RSC Advances 2020, 10 (56), 34261-34265.
9. Di Chen, Jing-Xian Zhang, Wei-Qi Cui, Jun-Wei Zhang, De-Qiao Wu, Xin-Rui Yu, Yan-Bo Luo, Xing-Yi Jiang, Feng-Peng Zhu, Dilshad Hussain, Xia Xu*, A simultaneous extraction/derivatization strategy coupled with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of free catecholamines in biological fluids, Journal of Chromatography A, 2021, 1654, 462474.
10. Zi-Han Wang, Jing-Xian Zhang, Ming Gao, Wei-Qi Cui, Lu Xu, Xiao-lin Zhu, Jin-Jin Li, Zhi-E Huang, Dilshad Hussain, Jing-Yu Zhang, Di Chen*, Xia Xu*, Stable isotope labelling-flow injection analysis-mass spectrometry for rapid and high throughput quantitative analysis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in drinks, Food Control 2021, 130, 108386.
11. Di Chen,Zi-Han Wang,Wei-Qi Cui,Jing-Xian Zhang,Jun-Wei Zhang,De-Qiao Wu,Zi-Yue Wang,Xin-Rui Yu,Yan-Bo Luo,Dilshad Hussain,Xia Xua*,High throughput and very specific screening of anabolic-androgenic steroid adulterants in healthy foods based on stable isotope labelling and flow injection analysis-tandem mass spectrometry with simultaneous monitoring proton adduct ions and chloride adduct ions, Journal of Chromatography A, 2022,1667,462891.
12. Di Chen, Man-Yu Zhang, Xin-Miao Bu, Bin Wang, Xin-Li Xu, Sen Yang, Zhi Sun*,Xia Xu*,In-syringe cotton fiber-supported liquid extraction coupled with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of free 3-mono-chloropropane-1,2-diol in edible oils,Journal of Chromatography A, 1673,436081.
13. Nian Shi, Xin-Miao Bu, Man-Yu Zhang, Bin Wang, Xin-Li Xu, Dilshad Hussain*, Xia Xu*,Di Chen*, Current Sample Preparation Methodologies for Determination of Catecholamines and Their Metabolites in Bio-Samples, Molecules, 2022, 27(9), 2702.
14. 杜斌, 姚寒春, 周婕, 杨森, 陈迪. 探索混合式教学中课程思政的实施路径——以色谱分析课程为例, 高教学刊. 2022(03):199-202
15. 施念, 张曼玉, 卜鑫淼, 徐鑫丽, 王彬, 徐霞, 陈迪*,稳定同位素标记结合流动注射串联质谱法定量检测葡萄糖注射液中5-羟甲基糠醛, 《郑州大学学报(医学版)》, 2022,已录用。
16. Di Chen, Xin-Miao Bu, Man-Yu Zhang, Xin-Li Xu, Bin Wang, Yu-Mei Gan, Kai-Xuan Li, Xia Xu*, Jun Han*, Nian Shi*, On-tissue pyrene-1-boronic acid labelling assisted MALDI imaging of catecholamines in porcine adrenal gland sections, Journal of Chromatography A, Major Revision.
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