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发布日期:2023-12-13    作者:     来源:    点击:

张晓玲博士,郑州大学药学院 副教授。


20241月至今 副教授 郑州大学药学院微生物与生化药学系

20177月至202312 讲师 郑州大学药学院微生物与生化药学系

20119月至20177 博士 北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院,物理化学专业

20079月至20117 学士 郑州大学生命科学学院,生物技术专业



1. 中草药的酶和益生菌转化与应用。

2. 药物的计算设计。


1. 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目资助金额:30万元,项目起止年月:2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持。

2. 主持横向项目,资助金额:15万元,项目起止年月:2023.09-2024.09,在研,主持。


发表论文20多篇;其中,以第一作者/通讯作者在iMeta (IF: 23.7)、Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts等期刊发表SCI论文10篇。担任Journal of Applied Microbiology(IF3.174)等期刊审稿人。


1. Xiaoling Zhang, Qin Miao, Bingling Tang, Ivan Mijakovic, Xiao-Jun Ji, Lingbo Qu, Yongjun Wei*. Discovery of novel alkaline-tolerant xylanases from fecal microbiota of dairy cows. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 2023, 16:182.

2. Xiaoling Zhang, Qin Miao, Chengxue Pan, Jia Yin, Leli Wang, Lingbo Qu, Yulong Yin*, Yongjun Wei*. Research advances in probiotic fermentation of Chinese herbal medicines. iMeta 2023, e93.

3. Xiaoling Zhang, Bingling Tang, Sijie Wen, Yitong Wang, Chengxue Pan*, Lingbo Qu, Yulong Yin, Yongjun Wei*. Advancements in the biotransformation and biosynthesis of the primary active flavonoids derived from Epimedium. Molecules 2023, 28(20):7173.

4. Yingzi Yuan, Yutong Yang, Lele Xiao, Lingbo Qu, Xiaoling Zhang*, Y. Wei*. Advancing insights into probiotics during vegetable fermentation. Foods 2023, 12(20):3789.

5. Qin Miao#, Xiaoling Zhang#, Yitong Wang, Xiaoqi Li, Zheng Wang, Lingmin Tian, Lingbo Qu, Yongjun Wei*. Characterization of novel pectinase genes derived from the efficient lignocellulose degradation microbiota. Biomolecules 2022, 12(10), 1388.

6. Xiaoling Zhang, Qin Miao, Xia Xu, Boyang Ji, Lingbo Qu, Yongjun Wei*. Developments in fatty acid-derived insect pheromone production using engineered yeasts. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12:759975.

7. Xiaobing Deng#, Xiaoling Zhang#, Bo Tang, Hongbo Liu, Qi Shen, Ying Liu, Luhua Lai. Design, synthesis, and evaluation of dihydrobenzo[cd]indole-6-sulfonamide as TNF-α inhibitors. Frontiers in Chemistry 2018, 6:98.

8. Xiaoling Zhang, Ning Yin, Annan Guo, Qi Zhang, Yalei Zhang, Youjun Xu, Hongbo Liu, Bo Tang, Luhua Lai. NF-κB signaling and cell-fate decision induced by a fast-dissociating tumor necrosis factor mutant. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2017, 489(3):287-292.