QitingZuo, Yixuan Diao*, Hao Lingang, Han Chunhui.Comprehensive Evaluation of theHuman-Water Harmony Relationship in CountriesAlong the "Belt andRoad". Water Resources Management, 2020, 34(13),4019-4035.

Abstract:An accurate assessment of the harmonious relationship between human beingsandwater resources is central to conducting the comprehensive management ofwaterresources. The human-water relationship in the “Belt and Road” regioniscomplex, but there is a lack of systematic quantitative research. Aninadequateunderstanding of the human-water relationship hinders decision-makersin recognizing watermanagement priorities. To fill this gap, this paper firstselects six criteriafor human-water harmony from theperspectives of ahumanistic system and a water system. Based on thesecriteria, representativeindexes were selected, and the harmony degree equationwas used to calculate thedegree of human-water harmony in 43 countries along the "Belt andRoad" in 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017. The results revealedthat human-waterharmony mainly exhibiteda high rate of change in developing countries, whileharmony was relativelystable in developed countries and generally higher thanthat in developingcountries. At the same time, countries in the “Belt and Road”region had differenthuman-water relationship problems, and it was necessary tosolve these problems according to their nationalconditions. This study can beused by countries to propel themselves out oftheir unique situation andunderstand the human-water relationship from an overall perspectivebyconducting a comparative analysis of different countries at the nationalscale.These results can provide a reference for solving the harmoniousdevelopmentproblem of the human-water relationship in countries along the "Belt andRoad".