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    2022-04-08   点击:[]

    梁鹏鹏,男,副教授,硕士生导师,2016年博士毕业于美国Temple University 计算机与信息科学专业。2016年至2017年在亚马逊公司工作,2017年12月至今先后在郑州大学信息工程学院和计算机与人工智能学院软件工程系任教。主要讲授本科生的《计算机技术基础》和《数据结构》及研究生的《高级软件工程》等课程。研究领域包括计算机视觉和深度学习,已在IEEE TIP 、IEEE TCSVT、Neurocomputing、ICRA、ACCV、IROS等本学科顶级或重要期刊与会议发表论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目和科技公司委托技术开发项目多项。多次担任TIP、TMM、TCSVT、PR、CVPR、ICCV、ICRA、AAAI等权威期刊或会议的审稿人。


    欢迎对计算机视觉、深度学习、人工智能等方向的研究及应用感兴趣的同学报考,请有意向的同学将个人简历和本科成绩单发送至ieppliang@zzu.edu.cn 或 liangpcs@qq.com。详情请见:https://liangp.github.io/。


    [1] Pengeng Liang, Eric Blasch, and Haibin Ling, “Encoding color information for visual tracking: Algorithms and benchmark,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 5630-5644, 2015. (SCI 1区,CCF A类国际期刊)

    [2] Pengpeng Liang, Haoxuanye Ji, Erkang Cheng, Yumei Chai, Liming Wang, and Haibin Ling. “Learning local descriptors with multi-level feature aggregation and spatial context

    pyramid,” Neurocomputing, 461:99-108, 2021 (SCI 2区,CCF  C类国际期刊)

    [3] Pengpeng Liang, Haoxuanye Ji, Yifan Wu, Yumei Chai, Liming Wang, Chunyuan Liao, and Haibin Ling. “Planar object tracking benchmark in the wild,” Neurocomputing, 454: 254-267, 2021 (SCI 2区,CCF  C类国际期刊)

    [4] Pengpeng Liang, Yifan Wu, Hu Lu, Liming Wang, Chunyuan Liao, and Haibin Ling, “Planar object tracking in the wild: A benchmark,” In IEEE International Conference on  

    Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018 (机器人领域顶级国际会议,CCF B类国际会议)

    [5] Pengpeng Liang, Yu Pang, Chunyuan Liao, Xue Mei and Haibin Ling, “Adaptive.

    objectness for object tracking,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, pp. 949-953, 2016. (SCI 2区,CCF  C类国际期刊)

    [6] Shengyou Hua, Zhiyong Sun, Bo Song, Pengpeng Liang, and Erkang Cheng, “Pseudo

    Segmentation for Semantic Information-Aware Stereo Matching,” IEEE Signal

    Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp. 837-841, 2022. (SCI 2区,CCF  C类国际期刊)

    [7] Pengpeng Liang, Yi Wu, Xue Mei, Jingyi Yu, Erik Blasch, Danil V. Prokhorov, Chunyuan Liao, Haitao Lang, and Haibin Ling, “Blur-resilient tracking using group sparsity,” In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), pp. 131-145, 2014. (CCF C类国际会议)

    [8]  Yifeng Bai, Zhirong Chen, Zhangjie Fu, Lang Peng, Pengpeng Liang, and Erkang Cheng, “CurveFormer: 3D Lane Detection by Curve Propagation with Curve Queries and Attention,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023(机器人领域顶级国际会议,CCF B类国际会议)

    [9] Naifan Li, Fan Song, Ying Zhang, Pengpeng Liang, and Erkang Cheng, “Traffic context aware data augmentation for rare object detection in autonomous driving,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022 (机器人领域顶级国际会议,CCF B类国际会议)

    [10] Chengcheng Guo, Minjie Lin, Heyang Guo, Pengpeng Liang,and Erkang Cheng, “Coarse-to-fine semantic localization with HD map for autonomous driving in structural scenes,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021.(机器人领域重要国际会议,CCF C 类国际会议)



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