
日期:2022-09-23 信息来源: 浏览量:

尚志浩,男,郑州大学计算机与人工智能学院助理研究员,2015年至2019受国家留学基金委派遣到柏林自由大学学习并获得计算机科学博士学位。近年来主要从事深度学习、人工智能、路径规划等方面的研究工作。在国际重要期刊、会议发表论文多篇。个人主页:https://shangzhihao.github.io/ 。



[1] "Shang, Zhihao; He, Zhaoshuang; Chen, Yao; Chen, Yanhua; Xu,MingLiang;", Short-term wind speed forecasting system based onmultivariate time series and multi-objective optimization, Energy, 2021

[2] "Zhang, Hairui; Shang, Zhihao; Song, Yanru; He, Zhaoshuang; Li,Lian;", A novel combined model based on echo state network–a case study ofPM10 and PM2. 5 prediction in China, Environmental technology, 2020

[3] "Yang, Yi; Shang, Zhihao; Chen, Yao; Chen, Yanhua;",Multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for multi-step electricload forecasting, Energies, 2020

[4] "Shang, Zhihao; He, Zhaoshuang; Song, Yanru; Yang, Yi; Li,Lian; Chen, Yanhua;", A Novel Combined Model for Short-Term Electric LoadForecasting Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm, Neural Processing Letters,2020

[5] "Wu, Han; Shang, Zhihao; Peng, Guang; Wolter, Katinka;", Areactive batching strategy of apache kafka for reliable stream processing inreal-time, 2020 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software ReliabilityEngineering (ISSRE), 2020

[6] "Chen, Yanhua; He, Zhaoshuang; Shang, Zhihao; Li, Caihong; Li,Lian; Xu, Mingliang;", A novel combined model based on echo state networkfor multi-step ahead wind speed forecasting: A case study of NREL, Energyconversion and management, 2019

[7] "Chen, Wenbo; Shang, Zhihao; Chen, Yanhua;", A novelhybrid network traffic prediction approach based on support vector machines,Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2019

[8] "Shang, Zhihao; Wu, Han; Wolter, Katinka;", Performanceevaluation of the control plane in software defined networks, Proceedings ofthe 12th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologiesand Tools, 2019

[9] "He, Zhaoshuang; Chen, Yanhua; Shang, Zhihao; Li, Caihong; Li,Lian; Xu, Mingliang;", A novel wind speed forecasting model based onmoving window and multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019

[10] "Wu, Han; Shang, Zhihao; Wolter, Katinka;", Performanceprediction for the apache kafka messaging system, 2019 IEEE 21st InternationalConference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17thInternational Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference onData Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), 2019

[11] "Shang, Zhihao; Wu, Han; Wolter, Katinka;", Buffermanagement for reducing packet-in messages in openflow networks, 2019 IEEE 11thInternational Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), 2019

[12] "Shang, Zhihao; Wu, Han; Peng, Guang; Wolter, Katinka;",Dynamic load balancing in the control plane of software-defined networks, 2019IEEE 19th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), 2019

[13] "Wu, Han; Shang, Zhihao; Wolter, Katinka;", Trak: Atesting tool for studying the reliability of data delivery in apache kafka,2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops(ISSREW), 2019

[14] "Shang, Zhihao; Wu, Han; Wolter, Katinka;", An openflowcontroller performance evaluation tool, European Workshop on PerformanceEngineering, 2018

[15] "Shang, Zhihao; Meng, Tianhui; Wolter, Katinka;", Hyperstar2:Easy distribution fitting of correlated data, Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPECon International Conference on Performance Engineering, 2017

"Shang, Zhihao; Wolter, Katinka;", Delay evaluation ofopenflow network based on queueing model, arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.06491, 2016

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