
题 目:Global airport resilience index (GARI): Towards a comprehensive understanding of airport resilience

报 告 人:张安民教授(英属哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院)


时 间:2024年7月17日(周三)下午3:00





张安民,英属哥伦比亚大学(2024 QS世界排名34)尚德商学院运营与物流系终身教授,并担任温哥华国际机场授权航空运输教授职位。曾于2003-2005年担任尚德商学院运营与物流系主任,2003-2004年担任英属哥伦比亚大学运输研究中心主任。他是世界航空运输研究学会(ATRS)主席,并于2020年担任美国经济学会运输和公用事业集团(TPUG)主席。张安民教授为国内培养了众多人才,例如对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副院长杨杭军教授(国家级人才计划入选者、国家社科基金重大项目首席专家、《Transport Policy》编委及客座主编、《Transportation Research Part D》客座主编)。张安民教授聚焦运输、物流、产业组织和中国经济等领域的研究成果在《Production and Operations Management》(UTD 24)、《Transportation Science》(ABS四星)、《Transportation Research Part B》(ABS四星)、《European Journal of Operational Research》(ABS四星)、《Transportation Research Part A》、《Transport Policy》等权威期刊发表200余篇论文、出版书籍30余本,是《Transport Economics and Management》主编、《Transportation Research Part A》(ABS三星)副主编,以及《Journal of Air Transport Management》等期刊编委。


Estimating the vulnerability of airport outages is an ongoing research challenge. While existing studies are predominantly focused on the analysis of the air-side airport network, with airports being nodes and links representing direct flights, in this study we propose the so-called Global Airport Resilience Index for worldwide airports which incorporates ground infrastructure as well as population distribution for the computation of an integrated resilience index. Based on the Global Airport Resilience Index of airports, we can derive realistic assessment for airport resilience worldwide, where a less vulnerable airport has a higher index value. The inherent challenges in data management and computation are significant and require sophisticated solutions. Overall, we believe that our study provides novel insights into air transportation and airport resilience, by consideration of a more realistic resilience estimation measure.

