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陈国平,日本国立物质材料研究所(NIMS)高分子与生物材料研究中心主席研究员和实验室主任,日本国立筑波大学教授。1997年博士毕业于京都大学材料化学系高分子生物材料专业,随后开展博士后研究。2000年加入日本国立产业技术综合研究所组织工程学研究中心担任研究员,并于2003年升任主任研究员。2004年加入NIMS生物材料研究中心,2007年升任为课题组组长,2011年至2017年担任NIMS国际纳米结构材料研究基地(MANA)首席研究员(PI)和组织工程学材料研究中心主任。2013年起兼任筑波大学物质材料工学系教授。2015年入选英国皇家化学会Fellow (FRSC),2017年当选美国医学与生物工程院Fellow (AIMBE),2020年当选国际生物材料科学与工程Fellow (FBSE)。同时担任亚太地区组织工程和再生医疗国际学会(TERMIS-AP)理事,日本生物材料学会唯一外国籍理事,Materials Horizons (IF=13.3)杂志Scientific editor,多部期刊的编委和顾问编委,日本新能源和发展机(NEDO)的重大研究课题评议和日本国家自然科学基金等项目评审专家。先后荣获TERMIS-AP Outstanding Scientist Award (2023)、TERMIS-AP Distinguished Member Award (2023)、Biomaterials Advances Innovation Award (2023)、第13回化学和生物筑波奖(2005)、第40届日本人工器官学会大会创新奖(2002)、日本生物材料学会科学奖励奖(2001)。


Porous scaffolds can serve as not only templates to control cell functions for regeneration of functional tissue and organs, but also carriers to load therapeutic drugs and nanoparticles for therapeutic applications. Some multi-functional scaffolds of biodegradable polymers and extracellular matrices have designed and fabricated for biomedical applications. The first type is porous scaffolds prepared by using pre-prepared ice particulates. The method could precisely control the porous structures of scaffolds of natural polymers. Scaffolds with open and interconnected porous structures were prepared to facilitate cell seeding and migration. The method was also used to create the microppattened pore structures in scaffolds. The micropatterned porous scaffolds were used for muscle tissue engineering. The second type of scaffolds is composite scaffolds of synthetic polymers and natural polymers. Collagen sponges or microsponges were incorporated in the pores or openings of mechanically strong PLLA or PLGA porous skeletons to form the composite structures. The PLLA or PLGA skeletons provided high mechanical strength, while the collagen sponges and mircosponges facilitated cell interaction. The third type is biomimetic ECM scaffolds prepared by using cell culture technology. The method was used to prepare ECM scaffolds from different types of cultured cells. The composition of the ECM scaffolds was dependent on the cell type and phenotype that were used to  prepare the scaffolds. The method was also used to prepare autologous ECM scaffolds that were prepared from patients’ own cells. The autologous ECM scaffolds had excellent biocompatibility. Furthermore, stepwise tissue-mimicking ECM scaffolds were prepared by controlling the stepwise differentiation of stem cells. Matrices and scaffolds mimicking the stepwise osteogenesis, chondrogenesis and adipogenesis were prepared. These porous scaffolds were used for 3D culture of fibroblasts, myoblasts, chondrocytes and bone marrow-derived MSCs for tissue engineering of dermis, muscle, cartilage and bone. The fourth type is photothermal scaffolds prepared by hybridization of photothermal agents such as gold nanoparticles and black phosphorus nanosheets with biodegradable polymers. The photothermal scaffolds possessed high photothermal conversion capacity and could ablate breast cancer cells under near infrared laser irradiation. The photothermal scaffolds also facilitated adipogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. The photothermal scaffolds should be useful for both photothermal ablation of breast cancer cells and breast tissue engineering.

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