2022.06~2023.12 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,材料与化学工程,博士后
2017.09~2022.06 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,材料与化学工程,博士
2013.09~2017.06 北京科技大学,材料科学工程,本科
2024.11~至今 郑州大学,中原关键金属实验室,学科特聘教授
2024.01~2024.11 郑州大学,中原关键金属实验室,副研究员
1. 代表性项目
国家高层次青年人才(海外) ,2024年至2029年,主持;
郑州大学人才高地建设支持计划(36990123),2024年至2025年, 主持;
2. 代表性论文(10篇)
W. Yang, D Yang, Z Zhao, C Huang, B Yan, Y Liu, L Zhang, L Gong,H. Zeng,Hierarchically Engineered Triple‐Defensive Antifouling Coating with Well‐Regulated Structure for Enhanced Wastewater Treatment,Advanced Functional Materials, 2025, 2420149 (IF 19.914)
W. Yang, M. Pan, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, F. Lin, X. Liu, C. Huang, X. Z. Chen, J. Wang, B. Yan, H. Zeng, A Universal Strategy for Constructing Robust and Antifouling Cellulose Nanocrystal Coating, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2109989. (IF 19.914)
F Lin#, W Yang#, B Lu, Y Xu, J Chen, X Zheng, S Liu, C Lin, H Zeng, B Huang, Muscle‐Inspired Robust Anisotropic Cellulose Conductive Hydrogel for Multidirectional Strain Sensors and Implantable Bioelectronics, Advanced Functional Materials, 2025, 2416419 (IF 19.914)
W. Yang, W. Hu, J. Zhang, W. Wang, R. Cai, M. Pan, C. Huang, X. Chen, B. Yan, H. Zeng, Tannic acid/Fe3+ functionalized magnetic graphene oxide nanocomposite with high loading of silver nanoparticles as ultra-efficient catalyst and disinfectant for wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 126629; (IF 16.744)
P Huang, C Huang, Y Sun, Z Zhao, L Yang, H Yang, L Gong, W Yang*, H. Zeng*, Bio-inspired magnetically induced self-assembling Janus solar evaporator with antifouling and antiscaling properties, 2024, Chemical Engineering Journal, 501, 157824. (IF 16.744)
Q Liu, Y He, W Yang*, B Yan, F Lai, H Zeng*, Nanoconfined core-shell heterogeneous fenton reactor: Accelerated degradation of organic pollutants in flow-through systems, 2024, Chemical Engineering Journal, 505, 158894. (IF 16.744)
W. Yang, Z. Zhao, M. Pan, L. Gong, F. Wu, C. Huang, X. Wang, J. Wang, Mussel-inspired polyethylene glycol coating for constructing antifouling membrane for water purification, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 625, 628-639; (IF 9.65)
W. Liu, K. Shuai, X. Ji, S. Chen, W. Yang*, B. Yan*, D. Liu*, Self-assembled carboxymethyl chitosan/zinc alginate composite film with excellent water resistant and antimicrobial properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 247, 125752 (IF 8.20)
Ligand geometry matters: Comparative study of linear and annular chelating ligands in tailored magnetic chitosan for Cu (II) removal, D Teng, Z Lv, N Wang, W Wang, G Fan, P Li*, W Yang*, 2025, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 140687 (IF 8.20)
W. Yang, M. Pan, C Huang, Z. Zhao, J. Wang, H. Zeng, Graphene oxide-based noble-metal nanoparticles composites for env for environmental application, Composites Communications, 2021, 100645. (IF 7.685)
3. 代表性专利
一种模板热压制备维纳结构表面形貌的方法, CN106495088A,2017, 已授权
一种电极内置式摩擦发电机,CN105375810A,2017, 已授权