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Junfeng WANG

2018-09-20   作者:   点击:

 Junfeng WANG, Ph.D.


  Research Assistant Professor


    School of Information Engineering
         Zhengzhou University

   Zhengzhou, China



I received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2016. Currently, I am working as a research assistant professor in ICTACT at Zhengzhou University.


Research Interests

wireless networks, sensor networks and internet of things


Selected Publications

  1. Wang J, Zhang Y, Wang J, et al. PWDGR: Pair-Wise Directional Geographical Routing Based on Wireless Sensor Network [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, 2(1):14-22. (JCR Q1)

  2. Wang J, Miao Y, Zhou P, et al. A software defined network routing in wireless multihop network [J]. Journal of Network & Computer Applications, 2016, 85(C):76-83. (JCR Q1 & CCF rank C)

  3. Wang J, Zhang Y, Cheng Z, et al. EMIP: energy-efficient itinerary planning for multiple mobile agents in wireless sensor network [J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2016, 62(1):93-100. (JCR Q3)

  4. Wang J, Shi X, Alhussein M, et al. SPSIC: Semi-Physical Simulation for IoT Clouds [J]. Mobile Networks & Applications, 2016, 21(5):856-864. (JCR Q2 & CCF rank C)

  5. Chen M, Wang J, Lin K, et al. M-plan: Multipath Planning based transmissions for IoT multimedia sensing [C], Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. IEEE, 2016:339-344.


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