Junwei SUN, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Zhengzhou University
Zhengzhou, China
I received the Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2014. Currently, I am working part time as a Senior Research Scientist for ICTACT at Zhengzhou University.
Research Interests
hybrid systems, nonlinear systems and formal methods
Selected Publications
Junwei Sun, Yi* Sheng, Quasi-ideal memory system [J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2015, 45(7): 1353-1362. (中科院一区)
Junwei Sun*, Yanfeng Wang, Lina Yao, et al. General hybrid projective complete dislocated synchronization between a class of chaotic real nonlinear systems and a class of chaotic complex nonlinear systems [J]. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2015, 39(20): 6150-6164. (中科院一区)
Junwei Sun, Yi* Sheng, Guodong Zhang, et al. Combination -combination synchronization among four identical or different chaotic systems [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 73(3): 1211-1222. (中科院一区)
Junwei Sun, Yuanyuan Wu, Guangzhao Cui, et al, Finite-time real combination synchronization of three complex-variable chaotic systems with unknown parameters via sliding mode control [J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 88(3): 1677-1690. (中科院一区)
Junwei Sun, Yi Shen*, Xiaoping Wang, et al, Finite-time combination-combination synchronization of four different chaotic systems with unknown parameters via sliding mode control [J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 76(1): 383-397. (中科院一区)
National Natural Science Foundation of China, under grant No.61603348, PI
Awards & Honors
Award for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Hubei Province, December, 2015
Third Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Henan Province, October, 2016