Dr. Chen Jiangyi
Title: Professor
Office Tel: 0086-371-67781235
E-mail: cjy1974@zzu.edu.cn
WeChat: Jiangyi_Chen1974
Website: www.zzu.edu.cn
Dr. Chen Jiangyi currently is a professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Zhengzhou University (ZZU). He has been working in ZZU since he received his master degree in 1998. During the period from 2015 to 2016, he researched coupling behaviors of smart materials and structures in University of Akron in USA as a visiting scholar.
Research Interests
Computer Aided Evaluation (CAE)
Theory of Mechanisms
Elastic Waves in the Solid
Structural Dynamics
Smart materials and structures
Ph.D., Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2007
M.S., Zhengzhou University of Technology, 1998
B.S., Jiaozuo Mining Institute, 1995
[25] Guo J H, Chen J Y, Pan E. A three-dimensional size-dependent layered model for simply supported and functionally graded magnetoelectroelastic plates. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2018: 1-20
[24]Yu T, Chen J Y. Study of the dynamic characteristics of mechanisms with all clearance joints (In Chinese). Mechanical design & manufacturing. 2018, (4): 19-22
[23]Lv J J, Chen J Y. Development of an evaluation system for fatigue life of crane metal structures (In Chinese). Mechanical design & manufacturing. 2018, (8): 174~176, 180
[22] Divya Dinavahi S L, Chen J Y, Heyliger P R, Pan E. Coupled fields in layered thermomagnetoelectroelastic spheres. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2018,
[21]Yue K, Chen J Y. Lightweight design for end girder of crane trolley frame based on limit state method (In Chinese). Mechanical design & manufacturing. 2018, (2): 128-130
[20]Chen J Y, Pan E, Bevis M. Accurate computation of the elastic load Love numbers to high spectral degree for a finely-layered, transversely isotropic and self-gravitating Earth. Geophysical Journal International. 2018, 212(2): 827–838
[19]Huang J F, Yu T, Chen J Y. Comparison and analysis of several contact force models based on Hertz contact theory (In Chinese). Mechanical design & manufacturing. 2017, (8): 28-30
[18]Chen J Y, Guo J H, Pan E. Wave propagation in magneto-electro-elastic multilayered plates with nonlocal effect. Journal of Sound & Vibration. 2017, 400(21): 550-563.
[17]Chen J Y, Guo J H. Static response of a layered magneto-electro-elastic half-space structure under circular surface loading. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2017,30(2): 145-153.
[16]Chen J Y, Guo J H, Pan E. Reflection and transmission of plane wave in multilayered nonlocal magneto-electro-elastic plates immersed in liquid. Composite Structures. 2017,162: 401-410
[15]Guo J H, Chen J Y, Pan E. Free vibration of three-dimensional anisotropic composite nanoplates based on modified couple-stress theory. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2017, 87: 98-106
[14]Chen J Y, Liu B Y. Influence of fiber fracture damage on dispersion characteristic of guided wave in composite plate (In Chinese). Journal of Jilin University. 2017, 47(1): 180-184
[13]Chen J Y, Pan E. On dispersion relation of circumferential wave propagation
in a functionally graded hollow cylinder (In Chinese). Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. 2016, 24(6): 1289-1295
[12]Chen J Y, Wen W C. Structural Optimization Design Based on Respond Surface Method and Non-probabilistic Reliability (In Chinese). Mechanical design & manufacturing. 2016, 11: 23-25
[11]Guo J H, Chen J Y, Pan E. Static deformation of anisotropic layered magnetoelectroelastic plates based on modified couple-stress theory. Composite Part B Engineering. 2016, 107: 84-96
[10]Guo J H, Chen J Y, Pan E. Analytical three-dimensional solutions of anisotropic multilayered composite plates with modified couple-stress effect. Composite Structures. 2016, 153: 321-331
[9]Guo J H, Chen J Y, Pan E. Size-dependent behavior of functionally graded anisotropic composite plates. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2016, 106: 110–124
[8]Pan E, Chen J Y, Bevis M, Bordoni A, Barletta V R, Molavi Tabrizi A. An analytical solution for the elastic response to surface loads imposed on a layered, transversely isotropic and self-gravitating Earth. Geophysical Journal International. 2015, 203: 2150–2181
[7]Chen J Y, Wen W C, Wang Y J. Analysis of structural non-probabilistic reliability based on respond surface method(In Chinese). Journal of Zhengzhou University. 2015,36(5): 121-124
[6]CHEN J Y, Pan E, HEYLIGER P R. Static deformation of a spherically anisotropic and multilayered magneto-electro-elastic hollow sphere. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2015, 60-61: 66-74
[5]Chen J Y, Pan E. On dispersion relations for guided wave in functionally graded plates with arbitrary graded distribution(In Chinese). Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. 2014, 22(6): 1230-1237
[4]Chen J Y, Heyliger P R, Pan E. Free vibration of three-dimensional multilayered magneto-electro-elastic plates under combined clamped/free boundary conditions. Journal of Sound & Vibration. 2014, 333(17): 4017-4029
[3]Chen J Y, Lv H Y, Luo L L. Fatigue life analysis for box girder of crane by Verity method(In Chinese). Manufacturing Automation. 2014, 36(1): 6-9
[2]Chen J Y, Hao X Q, Fan L G, Lv H Y. Dynamic Analysis of parallel mechanism with clearance revolute joint and flexible component(In Chinese). Machine Tool & Hydraulics. 2013, 23: 28-31
[1]Chen J Y, Jiao L M, Fan L G. Optimal design of V-belt transmission based on collaborative algorithm(In Chinese). Mechanical design & manufacturing. 2013(2): 160-162
[4]Chen J Y, Liu Z L, Qin D C, et al. ANSYS and its application in parameterized analysis of metal crane structure. Press of Zhengzhou University. September, 2014
[3]Xiong B S, Chen J Y, et al. Modern design of link mechanism. Chemical Industry Press. January, 2006.
[2]Ye Y L, Chen J Y, et al. Modern mechanical design methodology. China Metrology Press. January, 2001.
[1]Ye Y L, Chen J Y, et al. Mechanical optimization design theory and Applications. China Metrology Press. March, 2000.
Honors and Awards
[2]Excellent teacher of Zhengzhou University, 2009
[1]Excellent teacher of educational system in Henan Province, 2009