担任河南省中兽药发酵制剂工程技术中心主任;主持国自然面上、国际(地区)合作与交流项目、青年基金等3项国自然在内的10多项横向和纵向项目。已发表论文95篇,其中,以一作/通讯(含共)在Trends in Biotechnology、Green Chemistry、《中国科学:生命科学》、《合成生物学》等期刊发表论文70篇,他引2600余次,H因子28。以第一主编出版2本Elsevier出版社合成生物学书籍,共同主编英文著作3本;参编中英文著作2部。
目前,担任BMC Microbiology、Cell旗下Heliyon、BMC Biotechnology等5本国际SCI期刊编委。担任国产高水平英文期刊The Innovation、iMeta、Eco-Environment & Health的青年编委和Gene & Protein in Disease编委。担任Discover Biotechnology、Biomolecules、Frontiers in Microbiology等10多本国际期刊的审稿编委、专刊主编或客座副主编。
担任Nature Communication等60多家高水平SCI 杂志的审稿人;参加国际微生物学会(Applied Microbiology International)研究基金等多项项目评审。
已获批美国、德国、日本等11 项国际专利在内的23项授权专利;在审国内外专利16项。
担任国际应用微生物学会干净水科学咨询委员会委员(Applied Microbiology International, Clean Water Scientific Advisory Group Member)、河南省微生物学会理事、北京生物饲料产业技术创新战略联盟技术专家委员会委员等。担任热心肠智库专家和多家生物技术公司研发科学家。
I am currently working as an Associate Professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, Zhengzhou University, China. My research interests revolve around understanding the human microbiome and synthetic microbiology, with a focus on applying microbiota and synthetic biology in addressing human health issues.
I received my bachelor's degree from Shaanxi Normal University and Ph.D. degree from the Shanghai Institute for Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from 2010 to 2014. Following that, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Jens Nielsen’s lab at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden from 2014 to 2016. In 2017, I served as an Assistant Professor at the Plant Physiology and Ecology department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences before joining Zhengzhou University in 2018.
To date, I have published more than 95 papers with over 2600 citations (Google Scholar h-index: 28). Some of these papers focus on human and environmental sustainability using microbiome and synthetic biology approaches. My primary research strategy entails the development of microbiome and metagenomic methods to gain insights into the diversity, novelty, and distribution of human microbiota and various environments. Additionally, I also work on producing bioactive natural products through engineered or synthetic microbes.
I currently serve as an editorial board member for BMC Microbiology, BMC Biotechnology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, and Letters in Applied Microbiology. Furthermore, I have organized 11 research topics for other journals and have reviewed numerous articles for over 45 different journals, including Nature Communications and ACS Synthetic Biology.