1. 2023.01-2025.12,生态保护修复增汇潜力与气候变化风险评估,基本科研业务项目,经费90万元(主持)
2. 2023.01-2023.12,陆地植被生态系统服务功能评估和气象贡献分析,气象卫星专项(风云三号03批气象卫星工程),经费45万(主持)
3. 2021.01-2021.12, 基于FY数据的气象条件贡献率评价系统升级,气象卫星工程,经费70万(共同主持)
4. 2016.01-2019.12, 北方农牧交错区退耕地植被演替调控机制研究,国家基金委面上基金,经费83.8万元(主持)
5. 2017.05-2019.12,春玉米气候适宜性及其扩张潜力研究,气科院基本科研业务,经费18万元(主持)
6. 2015.01-2015.12,中国粮食高产稳产格局演变,中国气象局业务项目,经费25万元 (主持)
7. 2014.01-2014.12, 中国主要粮食作物气象灾损风险, 中国气象局业务项目,经费10万元 (主持)
8. 2014.07-2015.12 基于水分亏缺和光合速率模拟夏玉米干旱生消,博士后基金,经费5万元(主持)
1. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Shudong Wang, Jun Zhao. Warm–Wet Climate Trend Enhances Net Primary Production of the Main Ecosystems in China during 2000–2021. Atmosphere 2022, 13: 738.
2. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Shudong Wang, Lixia Wang. Prominent vegetation greening and its correlation with climatic variables in northern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020, 192(9):636.
3. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Tianxiang Luo, Yakir Dan, Li Zhou, Xiaomin Lv. Variation of net primary productivity and its drivers in China’s forests during 2000–2018. Forest Ecosystems, 2020, 7:15.
4. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Zongshan Li, Shudong Wang, Huailin Zhou, Xingyang Song. Triggers of widespread dieback and mortality of poplar (Populus spp.) plantations across northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2020, 174: 1-6.
5. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Lixia Wang, Shudong Wang, Zongshan Li. Identifying climate risk causing maize (Zea mays L.) yield fluctuation by time-series data. Natural Hazards, 2019, 96: 1213-1222.
6. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Qijin He, Lixia Wang. The Effect of Climate Change on Spring Maize (Zea mays L.) Suitability across China. Sustainability, 2018, 10: 3804.
7. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou, Xueyan Ma, Qiuling Wang, Tao Liu. Variable photosynthetic sensitivity of maize (Zea mays L.) to sunlight and temperature during drought development process. Plant Soil and Environment, 2017, 63 (11): 505-511.
8. Yuhe Ji, Ke Guo, Shibo Fang, Xiaoniu Xu, Zhigao Wang, Shudong Wang.. Long-term growth of temperate broadleaved forests no longer benefits soil C accumulation. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:42328.
9. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou*, Shudong Wang et al. Increase of flood and drought disasters during 1500-2000 in Southwest China. Natural Hazards, 2015, 77(3): 1853-1861.
10. Yuhe Ji, Liding Chen*, Guangsheng Zhou et al. Assessment of the redistribution of soil carbon using a new index—a case study in the Haihe River Basin, North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186:8023-8036.
11. Yuhe Ji, Liding Chen*, Ranhao Sun. Temporal and spatial variability of water supply stress in the Haihe River Basin, Northern China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2012, 48(5): 999-1007.
12. Yuhe Ji & Guangsheng Zhou*. Major climatic factors governing the incompatible annual trend of pan evaporation: evidence from small-scale region. Climatic Change, 2011, 106(2): 303-314.
13. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou* & Thomas New. Abiotic factors influencing the distribution of vegetation in coastal estuary of Liaohe Delta, Northeast China. Estuaries and Coasts, 2009, 32(5): 937-942.
14. Yuhe Ji, Guangsheng Zhou*, Guohong Lv. The rapid expansion of common reed (Phragmites australis) in Liaohe Delta, Northeast China. Weed Research, 2009, 49(6):613-620.
15. 汲玉河, 周广胜*, 李宗善. 气候变化驱动下黄土高原刺槐林的气候适宜性和脆弱性. 生态学报. 2023, 43(8): 3348-3358.
16. 汲玉河, 周广胜*,王树东 王丽霞 周梦子. 2000-2019年秦岭地区植被生态质量演变特征及驱动力分析. 植物生态学报, 2021,
17. 汲玉河, 郭柯*, 倪建等. 安徽省森林碳储量现状及固碳潜力. 植物生态学报, 2016, 40(4): 395-404.
18. 汲玉河, 周广胜*. 1988-2006年辽河三角洲植被结构的变化. 植物生态学报, 2010, 34(4): 359-367.
19. 汲玉河, 周广胜*. 辽河三角洲植被生产功能的年际变化及其驱动因子分析. 植物生态学报, 2010, 34(7): 792–799.
20. 汲玉河, 周广胜*. 辽河三角洲植被地上生产力格局及其制约因子. 生态环境学报, 2010, 19(10): 2269–2274.
21. 汲玉河, 吕宪国*, 杨 青, 赵魁义. 三江平原小叶章群落近30年的动态变化.生态学杂志, 2006, 25(11): 1328–1332.
22. 汲玉河, 吕宪国*, 杨 青, 董厚德. 三江平原湿地植物物种空间分异规律的探讨.生态环境, 2006, 15(4): 781–786.
23. 汲玉河, 吕宪国*, 杨 青, 赵魁义. 三江平原湿地毛果苔草群落的演替特征.湿地科学 2004, 2(2): 139–144.
24. 汲玉河*, 栾金花. 三江平原植被特征与动态分析.南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 28(6) : 79–82.
1. 陈利顶, 孙然好, 汲玉河(主编).海河流域水生态功能分区研究(第二版). 2017, 北京: 科学出版社. 44.5万字.
2. 陈利顶, 孙然好, 汲玉河(主编).海河流域水生态功能分区研究. 2013, 北京: 科学出版社. 30万字.
3. 鲍文中、周广胜、马鹏里、王润元、汲玉河(副主编).甘肃农业对气候变化的适应与风险评估报告(No.1). 2017.北京:社会科学文献出版社. 21.2万字.
4. 矫梅燕, 周广胜 张祖强主编. 农业应对气候变化蓝皮书《中国农业气象灾害及其灾损评估报告NO.2》2016. 北京:社会科学文献出版社. 23.4万字. (撰写5个章节).
5. 周广胜, 何奇瑾, 殷晓洁(主编).中国植被/陆地生态系统对气候变化的适应性与脆弱性 2015. 北京:气象出版社. 25万字. (撰写1个章节).
6. 周广胜、周莉(主编). 现代农业防灾减灾技术. 2021, 北京: 中国农业出版社. 20万字. (撰写3个章节)