赵姗,女,新疆石河子人。1980年1月生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究领域及方向:地理空间信息分析与应用、遥感技术应用。本、硕、博毕业于解放军信息工程大学,研究生课程:地图学理论与方法、现代地图学 ;本科生课程:地图学、空间数据库。邮箱:zhaoshan4geo@zzu.edu.cn
1. Dong Bing, Li Hongwei, Xu Jian, Han Chaolin, Zhao Shan *, Spatiotemporal Analysis of Forest Fires in China from 2012 to 2021 Based on Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Active Fires. SUSTAINABILITY,2023 15(12), DOI:10.3390/ su15129532. (SCI、中科院3区)
2. Rongrong Zhang, Jian Cui, Yonghao Yuan, Jin Li, Qiaozhuoran Cao, Wenhao Dai, Dujuan Zhang, Hengliang Guo, Zhao Shan *. Soil Total Nitrogen content estimation based on the differential evolutionary algorithm for secondary feature extraction with ZY1-02D hyperspectral satellite imagery, Agronomy 2023 13(7). DOI: 10. 3390/ agronomy13071842. (SCI、中科院2区)
3. Guo Hengliang, Yuan Yonghao, Wang Jinyang, Cui Jian, Zhang Dujuan, Zhang Rongrong, Cao Qiaozhuoran, Li Jin, Dai Wenhao,Bao Haoming, Qiao Baojin and Zhao Shan *. Large-scale land subsidence monitoring and prediction based on SBAS-InSAR technology with time-series Sentinel-1A satellite data. Remote Sensing. 2023 15(11). DOI:10.3390/rs15112843.(SCI、中科院2区TOP)
4. Wang Buyun, Li Hongwei, Zhao Shan*, He Linqing, Qin Yulu, Yang Xiaoyue. Automatic Registration of Panoramic Image and Point Cloud Based on the Shape of the Overall Ground Object. IEEE ACCESS. 2023 11. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3260847.(SCI、中科院3区)
5.Jiang Yirui, Zhao Shan*,Li Hongwei, Qin Yulu,Yang, Xiaoyue. A hybrid spectral clustering simulated annealing algorithm for the street patrol districting problem. Complex & Intelligent Systems. 2022,11(3), DOI: 10.3390/ijgi11030171.(SCI、中科院2区)
6. Zhao Shan, Liang Changmao, Yang Hong, Nie Bingkang, Qiao Baojin ,Guo Hengliang , Zhang Rongrong, Estimating contribution of permafrost to lake expansion by SBAS-InSAR: a case study from Hohxil Lake basin in the Tibetan Plateau, 2022 International Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering. (EI)