


  崔凯枫   直聘副研究员


2023.7 – 至今:郑州大学,求是计划副研究员

2021.9 – 2023.7:中国科学院 精密测量科学与技术创新研究院,特别研究助理

2020.5 – 2021.7:美国 国家标准局,访问合作

2020.5 – 2021.7:美国 阿贡国家实验室,博士后

2019.7 – 2020.4:中国科学院 武汉物理与数学研究所, 助理研究员


办公地址:主校区物理学院 C 203 办公室








[1] Y. Yuan, K. Cui, D. Liu, J. Yuan, J. Cao, D. Wang, S. Chao, H. Shu, and X. Huang, Demonstration of chronometric leveling using transportable optical clocks beyond laser coherence limit, Phys. Rev. Appl. 21, 044052 (2024).

[2] Y.-F. Wei, S.-J. Chao, K.-F. Cui, C.-B. Li, S.-C. Yu, H. Zhang, H.-L. Shu, J. Cao, and X.-R. Huang, Improved Measurement of the Differential Polarizability Using Co-Trapped Ions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033001 (2024).

[3] L.-Y. Wang, J.-F. Wei, K.-F. Cui, S.-L. Su, M. Feng, L.-L. Yan, G. Chen, H.-Z. Guo, and C.-X. Shan, Rotation Sensing of a Trapped Nanoparticle Assisted by Magnetic Field Gradient, Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 034063 (2023).

[4] S.-B. Tang, H. Qin, B.-B. Liu, D.-Y. Wang, K. Cui, S.-L. Su, L.-L. Yan, and G. Chen, Enhancement of quantum sensing in a cavity-optomechanical system around the quantum critical point, Phys. Rev. A 108, 053514 (2023).

[5] C. Sun, K. Cui, S. Chao, Y. Wei, J. Yuan, J. Cao, H. Shu, and X. Huang, Sympathetic electromagnetically-induced-transparency ground state cooling of a 40Ca+-27Al+ pair in 27Al+ clock, Chinese Phys. B (2023).

[6] D.-X. Liu, J. Cao, J.-B. Yuan, K.-F. Cui, Y. Yuan, P. Zhang, S.-J. Chao, H.-L. Shu, and X.-R. Huang, Laboratory demonstration of geopotential measurement using transportable optical clocks, Chinese Phys. B 32, 010601 (2023).

[7] Y.-F. Wei, Z.-M. Tang, C.-B. Li, Y. Yang, Y.-M. Zou, K.-F. Cui, and X.-R. Huang, Dynamic polarizabilities of the clock states of Al+, Chinese Phys. B 31, 083102 (2022).

[8] C. Sun, K. Cui, S. Chao, Y. Wei, J. Yuan, J. Cao, H. Shu, and X. Huang, Efficiently loading 40Ca+-27Al+ ion crystal using sympathetic cooling and pulsed laser ablation, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 113201 (2022).

[9] K. Cui, J. Valencia, K. T. Boyce, E. R. Clements, D. R. Leibrandt, and D. B. Hume, Scalable Quantum Logic Spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 193603 (2022).

[10] K. Cui, S. Chao, C. Sun, S. Wang, P. Zhang, Y. Wei, J. Yuan, J. Cao, H. Shu, and X. Huang, Evaluation of the systematic shifts of a 40Ca+-27Al+ optical clock, Eur. Phys. J. D 76, 140 (2022).

[11] Cao, J.; Yuan, J.; Wang, S.; Zhang, P.; Yuan, Y.; Liu, D.; Cui, K.; Chao, S.; Shu, H.; Lin, Y.; Cao, S.; Wang, Y.; Fang, Z.; Fang, F.; Li, T.; Huang, X., A compact, transportable optical clock with 1×1017 uncertainty and its absolute frequency measurement, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 054003 (2022).

[12] J.-B. Yuan, J. Cao, K.-F. Cui, D.-X. Liu, Y. Yuan, S.-J. Chao, H.-L. Shu, and X.-R. Huang, Suppression of servo error uncertainty to 10-18 level using double integrator algorithm in ion optical clock, Chinese Phys. B (2021).

[13] E. R. Clements, M. E. Kim, K. Cui, A. M. Hankin, S. M. Brewer, J. Valencia, J.-S. Chen, C.-W. Chou, D. R. Leibrandt, and D. B. Hume, Lifetime-Limited Interrogation of Two Independent 27Al+  Clocks Using Correlation Spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 243602 (2020).

[14] S.-J. Chao, K.-F. Cui, S.-M. Wang, J. Cao, H.-L. Shu, and X.-R. Huang, Observation of 1S0 ->3P0 Transition of a 40Ca+-27Al+ Quantum Logic Clock, Chinese Phys. Lett. 36, 120601 (2019).

[15] K. Cui, J. Shang, S. Chao, S. Wang, J. Yuan, P. Zhang, J. Cao, H. Shu, and X. Huang, Sympathetic sideband cooling of a 40Ca+-27Al+ pair toward a quantum logic clock, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 045502 (2018).

[16] J. Shang, J. Cao, K. Cui, S. Wang, P. Zhang, J. Yuan, S. Chao, H. Shu, and X. Huang, A compact, sub-Hertz linewidth 729nm laser for a miniaturized 40Ca+ optical clock, Optics Communications 382, 410 (2017).

[17] J. Cao, P. Zhang, J. Shang, K. Cui, J. Yuan, S. Chao, S. Wang, H. Shu, and X. Huang, A compact, transportable single-ion optical clock with 7.8×1017 systematic uncertainty, Appl. Phys. B 123, 112 (2017).

[18] P. Zhang, J. Cao, H. Shu, J. Yuan, J. Shang, K. Cui, S. Chao, S. Wang, D. Liu, and X. Huang, Evaluation of blackbody radiation shift with temperature-associated fractional uncertainty at 10-18 level for 40Ca+ ion optical clock, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 015002 (2016).

[19] J.-J. Shang, K.-F. Cui, J. Cao, S.-M. Wang, S.-J. Chao, H.-L. Shu, and X.-R. Huang, Sympathetic Cooling of 40 Ca 40Ca+-27Al+ Ion Pair Crystal in a Linear Paul Trap, Chinese Phys. Lett. 33, 103701 (2016).

[20] J. Cao, X. Tong, K.-F. Cui, J.-J. Shang, H.-L. Shu, and X.-R. Huang, Simulation and Optimization of Miniature Ring-Endcap Ion Traps, Chinese Phys. Lett. 31, 043701 (2014).

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