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7.M.-R. Yun, Jin-Lei Wu*, L.-L. Yan, Yu. Jia*, Shi-Lei Su*, and C.-X. Shan*, Quantum computation in silicon-vacancy centers based on nonadiabatic geometric gates protected by dynamical decoupling, Phys. Rev. Appl. 21, 064053 (2024).

8.Jia-Ning Zhang, Jin-Lei Wu*, Jin-Xuan Han, Shuai Tang, Jie Song and Yong-Yuan Jiang*, Small admixture of nonadiabaticity facilitating topologically protected splitters and routers via optimizing coupling engineering, Phys. Rev. B 109, 094303 (2024).

9.Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Zhong-Hui Yuan, Yong-Jian Chen, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Fast and controllable topological excitation transfers in hybrid magnon-photon systems, Phys. Rev. Appl. 21, 014057 (2024).

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