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时间:2022-01-07 浏览量:

华营鹏 博士





● 研究兴趣、领域:


● 主持的项目:


1. 国家自然基金联合基金重点项目(子课题):油菜无机和有机氮高效再分配协同提高氮效率的优异基因挖掘及机制解析,U21A2023675万元,2022-2025

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:镉的亚细胞再分配调控油菜镉毒抗性的分子生理机制,31801922626万元,2019-2021

3. 河南省自然科学基金面上项目:miR169-MYB67介导Na+的长距离转运和液泡区隔协同调控油菜抗盐性的机制,10万元,2024-2025

3. 中国博士后面上项目:油菜低氮耐受性主效QTL qLNT.A3的图位克隆与候选基因BnaA3.NLP7的功能解析,二等资助,8万元,2023-2024

4. 河南省科技攻关项目:油菜双组分高亲和硝酸盐转运系统NRT2.1/NAR2.1核心基因的鉴定与功能解析,10万元,2020-2021

5. 河南省卓越农林人才教育基地建设项目:郑州大学农科教人才培养基地,2022-2023

6. 郑州大学青年拔尖人才启动经费,50万元,2019-2023

● 代表性论著:

获省自然科学奖二等奖1项(第3完成人),现任BMC Plant Biology杂志编委/河南省农业转基因科普安全专家,以第一或通讯作者发表论文40余篇,其中中科院1/Top期刊论文14篇。部分论文如下:

1.     湖南省自然科学奖二等奖(第3完成人),油菜氮素高效利用的生物学机制,20202020-Z2-216-R03

2.     Zhou T, Wu PJ, Chen JF, Du XQ, Feng YN, Yue CP, Huang JY, Hua YP*. Pectin demethylation-mediated cell wall Na+ retention positively regulates salt stress tolerance in oilseed rape. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2024, 137:54.(中科院1区)

3.     Zhou T, Sun SS, Huang JY, Feng YN*, Hua YP*. Morpho-physiological, genomic, and transcriptional diversity underlying differential potassium use efficiency in allotetraploid rapeseed genotypes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2024, 72:2381-2396.(中科院1区)

4.     Li Q, Song HL, Zhou T, Pei MN, Wang B, Yan SX, Liu YQ, Wu PJ, Hua YP*. Differential morpho-physiological, ionomic, and phytohormone profiles, and genome-wide expression profiling involving the tolerance of allohexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to nitrogen limitation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2024, 72:3814-3831.(中科院1区)

5.     Hua YP, Zhang YF, Zhang TY, Chen JF, Song HL, Wu PJ, Yue CP, Huang JY, Feng YN#, Zhou T#. Low iron ameliorates the salinity-induced growth cessation of seminal roots in wheat seedlings. Plant, Cell and Environment 2023, 46:567-591. (中科院1区)

6.     Hua YP, Chen JF, Zhou T, Zhang TY, Shen DD, Feng YN, Guan PF, Huang SM, Zhou ZF, Huang JY, Yue CP*. Multiomics reveals an essential role of long-distance translocation in regulating plant cadmium resistance and grain accumulation in allohexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Experimental Botany 2022, 73:7516-7537.(中科院1区)

7.     Shen DD#, Hua YP#, Huang JY, Yu ST, Wu TB, Zhang Y, Chen HL, Yue CP*. Multiomic analysis reveals core regulatory mechanisms underlying ssteroidal glycoalkaloid metabolism in potato tubers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2022, 70:415-426.(中科院1区)

8.     Zhou T, Yue CP, Liu Y, Zhang TY, Huang JY, Hua YP*. Multiomics reveal pivotal roles of sodium translocation and compartmentation in regulating salinity resistance in allotetraploid rapeseed. Journal of Experimental Botany 2021, 72:5687-5708.(中科院1区)

9.     Zhang ZH, Zhou T, Tang TJ, Song HX, Guan CY, Huang JY, Hua YP*. A multiomics approach reveals the pivotal role of subcellular reallocation in determining rapeseed resistance to cadmium toxicity. Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, 70:5437-5455.(中科院1区)

10. Hua YP, Zhou T, Ding G, Yang Q, Shi L, Xu F*. Physiological, genomic and transcriptional diversity in responses to boron deficiency in rapeseed genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany 2016, 67:5769-5784.(中科院1区)

11. Hua YP, Zhang D, Zhou T, He M, Ding G, Shi L, Xu F*. Transcriptomics-assisted quantitative trait locus fine mapping for the rapid identification of a nodulin 26-like intrinsic protein gene regulating boron efficiency in allotetraploid rapeseed. Plant, Cell and Environment 2016, 39:1601-18. (中科院1区)


E-mail: yingpenghua@zzu.edu.cn; yingpenghua89@126.com







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