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时间:2024-03-25 浏览量:


刘钊 博士





2024.01-至今:  郑州大学农学院     副研究员

2020.06-2023.12:郑州大学农学院    助理研究员

2019.09-2022.03:郑州大学农学院    师资博士后


2013.09-2019.06:中国农业科学院    理学博士

2009.09-2013.06:河南科技大学      农学学士




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目编号:32301888,项目名称:BR信号通路核心转录因子GhBES1.4通过GhHMG1调控棉纤维伸长机制研究,2024.01-2026.1230万元。

2. 河南省自然科学基金青年基金,项目编号:232300421253,项目名称:GhEXO3参与BR调控棉纤维发育机制研究,2023.01-2024.125万元。

3. 棉花生物育种与综合利用国家重点实验室开放课题,项目编号:21610025,项目名称:海岛棉GbbHLH130基因在干旱胁迫应答中的功能及分子机制研究,2023.01-2024.125万元。

4. 郑州大学求是教师启动项目,项目编号:32213866,项目名称:GhKCS12参与BR调控棉纤维发育机制研究,2022.01-2024.1212万元。


1.         Yang, Z., Liu, Z#., Ge, X., Lu, L., Qin, W., Qanmber, G., Wang, Z., Li, F. (2023). Brassinosteroids regulate cotton fiber elongation by modulating very-long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis. The Plant Cell, 35(6), 2114-2131. (一区,IF: 11.6ESI高被引论文)

2.         Liu Z., Qanmber, G., Lu, L., Qin, W., Liu, J., Li, J., Ma, S., Yang, Z., Yang, Z. (2018). Genome-wide analysis of BES1 genes in Gossypium revealed their evolutionary conserved roles in brassinosteroid signaling. Science China Life Sciences, 61(12): 1566-1582. (一区,IF: 9.1)

3.         Kabir, N., Wang, X., Lu, L., Qanmber, G., Liu, L., Si, A., ... & Liu, Z*. (2023). Functional characterization of TBL genes revealed the role of GhTBL7 and GhTBL58 in cotton fiber elongation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 124571. (一区,IF: 8.2)

4.         Liu, L., Chen, G., Li, S., Gu, Y., Lu, L., Qanmber, G., Venugopal Mendu., Liu, Z*., Li, F., Yang, Z. (2023). A brassinosteroid transcriptional regulatory network participates in regulating fiber elongation in cotton. Plant Physiology, 191(3), 1985-2000. (一区,IF: 7.4)

5.         Xing, K., Liu, Z#., Liu, L., Zhang, J., Qanmber, G., Wang, Y., ... & Yang, Z. (2023). N6‐methyladenosine mRNA modification regulates transcripts stability associated with cotton fiber elongation. The Plant Journal, 115(4), 967-985. (一区,IF: 7.2)

6.         Qanmber G., Lu L., Liu Z#., Yu D., Zhou K., Peng H., Li F., Yang Z. (2019). Genome-wide identification of GhAAI genes reveals that GhAAI66 triggers a phase transition to induce early flowering. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(18): 4721-4736. (一区,IF: 6.9)

7.         Hou L., Zhu L., Xue H., Liu, Z*., Xiao G. (2022). Three root hair defective genes, GhRHD3-1, GhRHD4-1, and GhRSL4-1, regulate fiber cell elongation in cotton. Industrial Crops & Products, 180: 114751. (一区,IF: 5.9)

8.         Wang, R., Liu L., Kong Z., Li S., Lu L., Chen G., Zhang J., Qanmber G., Liu Z*. (2021). Identification of GhLOG gene family revealed that GhLOG3 is involved in regulating salinity tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 166: 328-340. (二区,IF: 6.5)

9.         Chen G., Liu Z#., Li S., Liu L., Lu L., Wang Z., Mendu V., Li F., Yang Z. (2023) Characterization of chromatin accessibility and gene expression reveal the key genes involved in cotton fiber elongation. Physiologia Plantarum, 175(4): e13972. (二区,IF: 6.4)

10.     Lu, L., Qanmber G., Li J., Pu M., Chen G., Li S., Liu L., Qin W., Ma S., Wang Y., Chen Q., Liu Z* (2021). Identification and characterization of the ERF subfamily B3 group revealed GhERF13. 12 improves salt tolerance in upland cotton. Frontiers in Plant Science, 1559. (二区,IF: 5.6)

11.     Li, S., Liu Z#., Chen G., Qanmber G., Lu L., Zhang J., Ma S., Yang Z., Li F. (2021). Identification and analysis of GhEXO gene family indicated that GhEXO7_At promotes plant growth and development through brassinosteroid signaling in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 1840. (二区,IF: 5.6)

12.     Chen, G., Liu Z#., Qanmber G., Liu L., Guo M., Lu L., Ma S., Li F., Yang Z. (2021). Genome-wide analysis of ZAT gene family revealed GhZAT6 regulates salt stress tolerance in G. hirsutum. Plant Science, 111055. (二区,IF: 5.2)

13.     Li, S., Xing K., Qanmber G., Chen G., Liu, L., Guo, M., Hou, Y., Lu, L., Qu, L., Liu Z*., Yang Z (2022). GhBES1 mediates brassinosteroid regulation of leaf size by activating expression of GhEXO2 in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Molecular Biology, 1-18. (二区,IF: 5.1)

14.     Liu, L., Xie Z., Lu L., Qanmber G., Chen G., Li S., Guo M., Sun Z., Liu Z*., Yang Z. (2021). Identification of BR biosynthesis genes in cotton reveals that GhCPD-3 restores BR biosynthesis and mediates plant growth and development. Planta, 254 (4): 1-17. (二区,IF: 4.3)

15.     Liu Z., Yang J., Li S., Liu L., Qanmber G., Chen G., Duan Z., Zhao N., Wang G (2021). Systematic characterization of TCP gene family in four cotton species revealed that GhTCP62 regulates branching in Arabidopsis. Biology, 10(11), 1104. (三区,IF: 4.2)

16.     Liu Z., Ge X., Yang Z., Zhang C., Zhao G., Chen E., Liu J., Zhang X., Li F. (2017). Genome-wide identification and characterization of SnRK2 gene family in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Genetics, 18(1):54. (三区,IF: 2.9)


- Member, 河南省生物化学与分子生物学会;

- TCM & Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Agricultural Science and Food Engineering (ACFE);

- Lead Guest Editor, Industrial Crops & Products.


E-mail: liuzhaocaas@163.com







电话:0371-67785095(党政办) 0371-67785055(研究生教学办公室)

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