2018.07-2020.11 中国农业大学 博士后
2020.12-至今 郑州大学 直聘副研究员
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 主持的项目:
1. 中国博士后科学基金第64批面上资助“小麦粒重主效QTL QTgw-4A的精细定位与候选基因鉴定”(2018-2020,主持)
● 代表性论著:
1. Wang X*, Guan P*, Xin M*, Wang Y, Chen X, Zhao A, Liu M, Li H, Zhang M, Lu L, Zhang J, Ni Z, Yao Y, Hu Z, Peng H, Sun Q. Genome-wide association study identifies QTL for thousand grain weight in winter wheat under normal- and late-sown stressed environments. Theor Appl Genet. 2021 Jan;134(1):143-157.
2. Guan P, Shen X, Mu Q, Wang Y, Wang X, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Chen X, Zhao A, Mao W, Guo Y, Xin M, Hu Z, Yao Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Peng H. Dissection and validation of a QTL cluster linked to Rht-B1 locus controlling grain weight in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using near-isogenic lines. Theor Appl Genet. 2020 Sep;133(9):2639-2653.
3. Guan P, Di N, Mu Q, Shen X, Wang Y, Wang X, Yu K, Song W, Chen Y, Xin M, Hu Z, Guo W, Yao Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Peng H. Use of near-isogenic lines to precisely map and validate a major QTL for grain weight on chromosome 4AL in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Aug;132(8):2367-2379.
4. Zhao Y*, Xie P*, Guan P*, Wang Y, Li Y, Yu K, Xin M, Hu Z, Yao Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Xie C, Peng H. Btr1-A Induces Grain Shattering and Affects Spike Morphology and Yield-Related Traits in Wheat. Plant Cell Physiol. 2019 Jun 1;60(6):1342-1353.
5. Huang F, Chen Z, Du D, Guan P, Chai L, Guo W, Hu Z, Xin M, Peng H, Yao Y, Ni Z. Genome-wide linkage mapping of QTL for root hair length in a Chinese common wheat population, Crop J. 2020, v.8(06):175-182.
6. Chen Y, Song W, Xie X, Wang Z, Guan P, Peng H, Jiao Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Guo W. A Collinearity-incorporating Homology Inference Strategy for Connecting Emerging Assemblies in Triticeae Tribe as a Pilot Practice in the Plant Pangenomic Era. Mol Plant. 2020 Dec 7;13(12):1694-1708.
7. Guo W*, Xin M*, Wang Z*, Yao Y, Hu Z, Song W, Yu K, Chen Y, Wang X, Guan P, Appels R, Peng H, Ni Z, Sun Q. Origin and adaptation to high altitude of Tibetan semi-wild wheat. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 8;11(1):5085.
8. Guan P*, Lu L*, Jia L*, Kabir MR, Zhang J, Lan T, Zhao Y, Xin M, Hu Z, Yao Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Peng H. Global QTL Analysis Identifies Genomic Regions on Chromosomes 4A and 4B Harboring Stable Loci for Yield-Related Traits Across Different Environments in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Front Plant Sci. 2018 Apr 25;9:529.
9. Liu K, Xu H, Liu G, Guan P, Zhou X, Peng H, Yao Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Du J. QTL mapping of flag leaf-related traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet. 2018 Apr;131(4):839-849.
10. 王小波, 关攀锋, 辛明明, 汪永法, 陈希勇, 赵爱菊, 刘曼双, 李红霞, 张明义, 逯腊虎, 魏亦勤, 刘旺清, 张金波, 倪中福, 姚颖垠, 胡兆荣, 彭惠茹, 孙其信. 小麦种质资源耐热性评价[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(23): 4191-4200.
● 联系方式:
E-mail: guanpanfeng@zzu.edu.cn