薄东东 博士
2021.09-至今 郑州大学 讲师
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 主持的项目:
1. 河南省科学技术协会青年人才托举工程项目(2023HYTP025),2023.01至2024.12,5万元
2. 郑州大学青年教师专项科研启动基金,2021.09至2024.12,12万元
3. 郑州大学博士后科研基金,2023.01至2024.12,2万元
● 代表性论著:
1. Bo D, Jiang X, Liu G, Xu F, Hu R, Wassie T, Chong Y, Ahmed S, Liu C, Girmay S. Multipathway synergy promotes testicular transition from growth to spermatogenesis in early-puberty goats. BMC Genomics. 2020; 21: 1-16.
2. Bo D, Jiang X, Liu G, Hu R, Chong Y. RNA-seq implies divergent regulation patterns of lincRNA on spermatogenesis and testis growth in goats. Animals. 2021; 11(3): 625.
3. Ahmed, S., Bo, D., Zhao, J., Liu, G., Ding, Y., Jiang, X., ... & Jing, H. (2022). Immunocastration with gene vaccine (KISS1) induces a cell‐mediated immune response in ram testis: A transcriptome evaluation. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 57(6), 653-664.
4. Liu, C., Jiang, X., Chi, S., Bo, D., & Liu, G. (2021). Contribution of the mutation T865G in TPH1 gene to the genetic potentiality of housed Mongolian sheep to year‐round breeding. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 56(11), 1406-1412.
5. Zhou, A., Chong, Y., Liu, G., Jiang, X., Huang, Y., Bo, D., ... & Mao, X. (2022). Changes in colostrum ingredients of Hu sheep, as well as the missense mutation genes associated with colostrum yield. Animal Biotechnology, 1-13.
● 联系方式:
E-mail: dongdongbo@zzu.edu.cn