孙昊 博士
2018.07-2020.06 西北农林科技大学生物学流动站 博士后
2020.07至今 郑州大学农学院 讲师
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 主持的项目:
● 代表性论著:
1. Sun H#, Duan Y#, Li H, Hu X, Li B, Zhuang J, Feng J, Ma R, Jiao Z. Microbiota characterization of atmospheric cold plasma treated blueberries. LWT-Food Sci Technol 2023 April;180: 114720.
2. Tan Y, Duan Y, Chi Q, Wang R, Yin Y, Cui D, Li S, Wang A, Ma R, Li B, Jiao Z*, Sun H*. The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Plant Response to Radiation. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb;24(4):3346.
3. Duan Y, Han R, Su Y, Wang A, Li S, Sun H*, Gong H*. Transcriptional search to identify and assess reference genes for expression analysis in Solanum lycopersicum under stress and hormone treatment conditions. J Integr Agr 2022 NOV; 21(11): 3216-3229.
4. Cui D, Yin Y, Sun H, Wang X, Zhuang J, Wang L, Ma R, Jiao Z. Regulation of cellular redox homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana seedling by atmospheric pressure cold plasma-generated reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2022 Jul 15;240:113703.
5. Duan Y, Su Y, Han R, Sun H*, Gong H*. Nodulin 26-like intrinsic protein CsNIP2;2 is a silicon influx transporter in Cucumis sativus L. J Integr Agr 2022 MAR;21(3): 685-696.
6. Wang Y#, Li B#, Shang H#, Ma R*, Zhu Y, Yang X, Ju S, Zhao W, Sun H, Zhuang J, Jiao Z*. Effective inhibition of fungal growth, deoxynivalenol biosynthesis and pathogenicity in cereal pathogen Fusarium spp. by cold atmospheric plasma. Chem Eng J. 2022 Feb;437:135307.
7. Hu X#, Sun H#, Yang X, Cui D, Wang Y, Zhuang J, Wang X, Ma R*, Jiao Z*. Potential use of atmospheric cold plasma for postharvest preservation of blueberries. Postharvest Biol Tec. 2021 Sep;179:111564.
8. Wang J, Cui D, Wang L, Du M, Yin Y, Ma R, Sun H*, Jiao Z*. Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment induces abscisic acid production, reduces stomatal aperture and improves seedling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biol (Stuttg). 2021 Jul;23(4):564-573.
9. Duan Y, Yang L, Zhu H, Zhou J, Sun H*, Gong H*. Structure and Expression Analysis of Sucrose Phosphate Synthase, Sucrose Synthase and Invertase Gene Families in Solanum lycopersicum. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 29;22(9):4698.
10. Sun H, Duan Y, Mitani-Ueno N, Che J, Jia J, Liu J, Guo J, Ma JF*, Gong H*. Tomato roots have a functional silicon influx transporter but not a functional silicon efflux transporter. Plant Cell Environ. 2020 Mar;43(3):732-744.
11. Han N, Fan S, Zhang T, Sun H, Zhu Y, Gong H*, Guo J*. SlHY5 is a necessary regulator of the cold acclimation response in tomato. Plant Growth Regul. 2020 May; 91(1), 1-12.
12. Sun H#, Duan Y#, Qi X, Zhang L, Huo H*, Gong H*. Isolation and functional characterization of CsLsi2, a cucumber silicon efflux transporter gene. Ann Bot. 2018 Sep 24;122(4):641-648.
13. Sun H, Guo J, Duan Y, Zhang T, Huo H, Gong H. Isolation and functional characterization of CsLsi1, a silicon transporter gene in Cucumis sativus. Physiol Plant. 2017 Feb;159(2):201-214.
14. Shi Y, Zhang Y, Yao H, Wu J, Sun H, Gong H. Silicon improves seed germination and alleviates oxidative stress of bud seedlings in tomato under water deficit stress. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2014 May;78:27-36.
● 联系方式:
E-mail: sunhau@zzu.edu.cn