徐如强 博士
1995.07-1995.12 北京市农林科学院 助理研究员
1996.01-1997.09 中国农业科学院 博士后
1997.10-1999.09 日本国立农业生物资源研究所 特别研究员
1999.10-2000.05 日本国际农林水产业研究中心 特别研究员
2000.06-2001.08 美国University of Kentucky 研究员
2001.09-2007.08 美国Miami University 研究员
2007.09-2011.12 美国Virginia Commonwealth University 研究员
2012.01-2013.08 美国Purdue University 研究员
2013.09-至今 郑州大学 教授
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 主持的项目:
1.河南省科技攻关: 棉花CNGCs家族基因的鉴定及利用研究
2.河南省重大科技专项(子课题): 油菜新品种选育与机械化生产技术研究
3.河南省重大科技专项(子课题): 芝麻新品种选育与机械化生产技术研究
4.河南省科技攻关(国际合作): CPSF基因在农作物改良中的应用
5.河南省引智项目(国际人才合作): 植物mRNA多聚腺苷酸化的调控机制及其利用研究
6.河南省高等学校重点科研项目: AC-cAMP信号对植物生长发育调节作用的鉴定研究
7.河南省基础与前沿研究计划: μ型阿片受体与腺苷酸环化酶互作的新基因发现与鉴定
● 代表性论著:
1.Xu R*, Guo Y, Peng S, Liu J, Li P, Jia W, Zhao J. Molecular targets and biological functions of cAMP signaling in Arabidopsis. Biomolecules 2021;11: 688.
2.徐如强*,刘金蕊. 高等植物中cAMP信号的作用. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报 2020; 36(5): 494-503.
3.郭艳辉#, 梁秀银#, 于双营, 郝豆豆, 杨慧云, 郜志颖, 徐如强*. 哺乳动物腺苷酸环化酶的表达调控与功能. 中国细胞生物学学报 2018; 40(3): 426-438.
4.Lin J#, Xu R#, Wu X, Shen Y, Li QQ. Role of cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 100: anchoring poly(A) sites and modulating transcription termination. Plant Journal 2017; 91: 829-839.
5.Xu R, El-Hage N, Dever SM. Fluorescently-labeled RNA packaging into HIV-1 particles: direct examination of infectivity across central nervous system cell types. Journal of Virological Methods 2016; 224: 20-29.
6.徐如强*, Watts VJ. Gαi/o偶联受体介导的腺苷酸环化酶“超敏化”研究进展. 药学学报 2016; 51(9): 1349-1355.
7.Liu M, Xu R, Merrill C, Hunt AG, Li QQ. Integration of developmental and hormonal signals via a polyadenylation factor in plants. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(12): e115779.
8.Conley JM, Brust TF, Xu R, Burris KD, Watts VJ. Drug-induced sensitization of adenylyl cyclase: assay streamlining and miniaturization for small molecule and siRNA screening applications. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2014; (83): e51218.
9.Xing D, Wang Y, Xu R, Ye X, Yang D, Li QQ. The regulatory role of Pcf11-similar-4 (PCFS4) in Arabidopsis development by genome-wide interactions with target loci. BMC Genomics 2013; 14: 598.
10.Dever SM#, Xu R#, Fitting S, Knapp PE, Hauser KF. Differential expression and HIV-1 regulation of μ opioid receptor splice variants across central nervous system cell types. Journal of NeuroVirology 2012; 18(3): 181-190.
11.Fitting S, Xu R, Bull C, Buch SK, El-Hage N, Nath A, Knapp PE, Hauser KF. Interactive co-morbidity between opioid drugs of abuse and HIV-1 Tat: Inflammation and disruptions in endogenous opioid signaling accelerate neuronal injury in the striatum. American Journal of Pathology 2010; 177(3): 1397-1410.
12.Xu R, Li QQ. Streamline cloning of genes into binary vectors in Agrobacterium via the GatewayÒ TOPO vector system. Plant Methods 2008; 4:4.
13.Hunt AG, Xu R, Addepalli B, Rao S, Forbes KP, Meeks LR, Xing DH, Mo M, Zhao HW, Bandyopadhyay A, Dampanaboina L, Marion A, Von Lanken C, Li QQ. Arabidopsis mRNA polyadenylation machinery: comprehensive analysis of protein-protein interactions and gene expression profiling. BMC Genomics 2008; 9: 220-234.
14.Xu R, Zhao H, Dinkins RD, Chen XW, Carberry G, Li QQ. The 73 kD subunit of cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) complex affect reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 2006; 61: 799-815.
15.Delaney KJ, Xu R, Zhang JX, Li QQ, Yun KY, Falcone DL, Hunt AG. Calmodulin interacts with and regulates the RNA-binding activity of an Arabidopsis polyadenylation factor subunit. Plant Physiology 2006; 140: 1507-1521.
16.Balasubrahmanyam A#, Xu R#, Dattaroy T, Li BC, Bass WT, Li QQ, Hunt AG. Disease resistance in plants that carry a feedback-regulated yeast poly(A) binding protein gene. Plant Molecular Biology 2006; 61: 383-397.
17.Xu R, Ye XF, Li Q. AtCPSF73-II encoding a homologue of the 73 kDa subunit of CPSF is critical for early embryo development. Gene 2004; 324: 35-45.
18.Xu R, Li Q. A RING-H2 zinc finger protein RIE is essential for seed development in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 2003; 53: 37-50.
19.Xu R, Tomooka N, Vaughan DA, Doi K. The Vigna angularis complex: Genetic variation and relationships revealed by RAPD analysis, and their implications for in situ conservation and domestication. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 2000; 47: 123-134.
20.Xu R, Tomooka N, Vaughan DA. AFLP markers for characterizing the azuki bean complex. Crop Science 2000; 40: 808-815.
21.徐如强, 孙其信, 张树榛. 小麦细胞膜热稳定性的配合力与杂种优势分析. 作物学报 1998; 24(1): 55-60.
22.徐如强, 孙其信, 张树榛. 不同冬小麦品种对高温胁迫反应的研究. 中国农业大学学报 1998; 3(1): 99-104.
23.徐如强, 孙其信, 张树榛. 小麦耐热性研究现状与展望(综述). 中国农业大学学报 1998; 3(3): 110-123.
24.徐如强, 孙其信, 张树榛. 春小麦耐热性的筛选方法与指标. 华北农学报 1997; 12(3): 22-29.
25.徐如强, 孙其信, 张树榛. 普通小麦品种Hope细胞膜热稳定性基因的染色体定位. 遗传 1996; (4): 1-3.
● 联系方式:
E-mail: xrq65@zzu.edu.cn