师恭曜 博士
2015.07-2019.08 郑州大学生命科学院 讲师
2019.09-2020.07 郑州大学农学院 讲师
2020.08-至今 郑州大学农学院 副教授
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 主持的项目:
1. 国家自然基金委河南省联合基金,项目号:U1904106,项目名称:病毒侵染投送CRISPR/Cas9植物非转基因编辑技术建立,2020.01-2022.12。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目号:31701340,项目名称:Na+依赖型共转运体GhBASS5调控棉花耐盐性的机理研究),2018.01-2020.12。
3. 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养基金,项目号:2020GGJS002项目名称:病毒载体投送CRISPR/Cas9介导的棉花基因编辑,2021.01-2023.12。
4. 河南省自然科学基金,项目号:162300410239,项目名称:棉花GhBASS2基因功能解析及其盐胁迫应答机理研究,2017.01-2019.12。
5. 河南省教育厅高等学校重点科研基金,项目号:16A210041,项目名称:棉花耐盐功能基因挖掘与优异种质创新,2016.01-2018.12。
● 代表性论著:
1. Shi, G., Hao, M., Tian, B., Cao, G., Chen, W., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Ling, H., Li, J., Xie, Z., Wei, F., 2021. A newly established virus-induced gene silencing method via seed imbibition for functional genomics at early germination stages in cotton. Industrial Crops & Products 172, 114040.
2. Shi, G., Hao, M., Tian, B., Cao, G., Wei, F., Xie, Z., 2021. A Methodological Advance of Tobacco Rattle Virus-Induced Gene Silencing for Functional Genomics in Plants. Frontiers in plant science 12, 671091.
3. Feng, Y., Wei, R., Liu, A., Fan, S., Che, J., Zhang, Z., Tian, B., Yuan, Y., Shi, G., Shang, H., 2021. Genome-wide identification, evolution, expression, and alternative splicing profiles of peroxiredoxin genes in cotton. PeerJ 9, e10685.
4. Myo, T., Wei, F., Zhang, H., Hao, J., Zhang, B., Liu, Z., Cao, G., Tian, B., Shi, G., 2021. Genome-wide identification of the BASS gene family in four Gossypium species and functional characterization of GhBASSs against salt stress. Scientific Reports 11, 11342–23.
5. Myo, T., Tian, B., Zhang, Q., Niu, S., Liu, Z., Shi, Y., Cao, G., Ling, H., Wei, F., Shi, G., 2020. Ectopic overexpression of a cotton plastidial Na+ transporter GhBASS5 impairs salt tolerance in Arabidopsis via increasing Na+ loading and accumulation. Planta 252, 2247–19.
6. Wei, Z., Shi, X., Wei, F., Fan, Z., Mei, L., Tian, B., Shi, Y., Cao, G., Shi, G., 2019. The cotton endocycle-involved protein SPO11-3 functions in salt stress via integrating leaf stomatal response, ROS scavenging and root growth. Physiol Plant 167, 127–141.
● 联系方式:
E-mail: shigy@zzu.edu.cn