马若男 副教授
Ÿ 2019.04-至今 郑州大学 农学院 副教授
Ÿ 2016.07-2019.04 郑州大学 物理工程学院 校直聘副教授
Ÿ 2011.09-2016.07 北京大学 前沿交叉学科研究院 力学 工学博士
Ÿ 2007.09-2011.07 郑州大学 生科院 生物技术 理学学士
Ÿ 等离子体及其活化水杀菌效应
Ÿ 等离子体及其活化水降解真菌毒素
Ÿ 等离子体活化水在果蔬保鲜及作物病害防治应用
Ÿ 等离子体及其活化水对植物种子、幼苗的刺激效应
Ÿ 等离子体及其活化水在牙齿美白及牙周炎治疗应用
Ÿ 研究生必修课《生物信息导论与方法》
Ÿ 2017.01-2019.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目,大气压低温等离子体对酿酒酵母细胞氧化损伤效应及其机理的研究,主持,已结题
Ÿ 2017.06-2019.06 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,低温等离子体活化水杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌效应及机理研究,主持,已结题
Ÿ 2022.01-2023.12 河南省科技攻关项目,等离子体活化水防治小麦赤霉病关键技术研究,主持,在研
Ÿ 2017.11-2018.12 河南省科技攻关项目,大气压低温等离子体活化水对食源性致病菌杀灭效应及机理研究,主持,已结题
Ÿ 2022.01-2023.12 棉花生物学国家重点实验室开放课题,等离子体活化水对棉花黄萎病防治作用及机制,主持,在研
Ÿ 共发表SCI论文40篇,高被引论文3篇
Ÿ 一作/通讯作者SCI论文27篇,高被引论文1篇
Ÿ 参编中英文专著各1部
1. S. Y. Ju, B. Li, X. D. Yang, J. J. Wu, X. K. Pei, J. Zhuang*, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, R. S. Zhou, P. J. Cullen, Plasma-activated water for inactivation of Fusarium graminearum spores: An in-vitro wheat study, LWT, 2023, 180(114815). [一区, 6.056]
2. H. Sun, Y. K. Duan, H. D. Li, X. X. Hu, B. Li, J. Zhuang, J. X. Feng, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, Microbiota characterization of atmospheric cold plasma treated blueberries, LWT, 2023, 180(114720). [一区, 6.056]
3. H. B. Xu, Y. P. Zhu, B. Yu, M. R. Du, J. X. Feng, J. Zhuang, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, Comparative analysis of helium and air surface micro-discharge plasma treatment on the microbial reduction and quality attributes of beef slices, Meat science, 2023, 17(109259). [一区, 7.077]
4. Y. Q. Wang, B. Li, H. H. Shang, R. N. Ma*, Y. P. Zhu, X. D. Yang, S. Y. Ju, W. B. Zhao, H. Sun, J. Zhuang, Z. Jiao*, Effective inhibition of fungal growth, deoxynivalenol biosynthesis and pathogenicity in cereal pathogen Fusarium spp. by cold atmospheric plasma, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437(135307). [一区, 16.7]
5. R. Zhou, D. J. Cui, Q. Zhao*, K. K. Liu, W. B. Zhao, Q. Liu, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao, L. Dong, C. X. Shan*, Effective control of microbial spoilage in soybeans by water-soluble ZnO nanoparticles, Food Chemistry, 2022, 388(132994). [一区, 9.231]
6. D. J. Cui, Y. Yin, H. Sun, X. J. Wang, J. Zhuang, L. Wang, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, Regulation of cellular redox homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana seedling by atmospheric pressure cold plasma-generated reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 240 (113703). [一区, 7.1]
7. Y. P. Zhu, H. B. Xu, X. D. Yang, J. Zhuang, Y. P. Wang, J. X. Feng, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, The synergistic antibacterial activity and mechanism of ultrasound and hydrogen peroxide against Staphylococcus aureus in water, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 50(103349). [二区, 7.340]
8. H. B. Xu, Y. P. Zhu, M. R. Du, Y. Q. Wang, S. Y. Ju, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, Subcellular mechanism of microbial inactivation during water disinfection by cold atmospheric-pressure plasma, Water Research, 2021, 188(116513). [一区, 13.4]
9. M. R. Du, W. B. Zhao, R. N. Ma*, H. B. Xu, Y. P. Zhu, C. X. Shan, K. K. Liu, J. Zhuang, Z. Jiao*, Visible-light-driven photocatalytic inactivation of S. aureus in aqueous environment by hydrophilic zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles based on the interfacial electron transfer in S. aureus/ZnO composites, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 418(126013). [一区, 14.2]
10. X. X. Hu, H. Sun, X. D. Yang, D. J. Cui, Y. Q. Wang, J. Zhuang, X. X. Wang, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, Potential use of atmospheric cold plasma for postharvest preservation of blueberries. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021, 179(111564). [一区, 6.8]
11. H. B. Xu, R. N. Ma*, Y. P. Zhu, M. R. Du, H. Zhang, Z. Jiao*, A systematic study of the antimicrobial mechanisms of cold atmospheric-pressure plasma for water disinfection, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 703(134965). [一区, 10.8]
12. D. J. Cui, Y. Yin, J. Q. Wang, Z. W. Wang, H. B. Ding, R. N. Ma*, Z. Jiao*, Research on the physio-biochemical mechanism of non-thermal plasma-regulated seed germination and early seedling development in Arabidopsis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10(1322). [二区, 6.6]
13. Q. Zhang#, R. N. Ma#, Y. Tian, B. Su, K. L. Wang, S. Yu, J. Zhang*, J. Fang, Sterilization efficiency of a novel electrochemical disinfectant against Staphylococcus aureus, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(3184). [一区, 9.0]
14. R. N. Ma#, S. Yu, Y. Tian, K. L. Wang, J. Zhang*, J. Fang, Effect of non-thermal plasma-activated water on the fruit decay and quality in postharvest Chinese bayberries, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2016, 9(1825). [二区, 4.5]
15. R. N. Ma#, G. M. Wang, Y. Tian, K. L. Wang, J. Zhang*, J. Fang, Non-thermal plasma-activated water inactivation of food-borne pathogen on fresh produce, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300(643). [一区, 14.2, ESI高被引论文]
16. R. N. Ma#, H. Q. Feng #, F. T. Li, Y. Y. Liang, Q. Zhang, W. D. Zhu, J. Zhang, K. H. Becker, J. Fang, An evaluation of anti-oxidative protection for cells against atmospheric pressure cold plasma treatment, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100(123701). [二区, 3.8]
17. Y. Y. Xu, Y. Tian, R. N. Ma, J. Zhang, Q. H. Liu, Effect of plasma activated water on postharvest quality of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), Food Chemistry, 2015, 197(436). [一区, 7.5, ESI高被引论文]
18. J. Shen, Y. Tian, Y. L. Li, R. N. Ma, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Fang, Bactericidal effects against S. aureus and physicochemical properties of plasma activated water stored at different temperatures, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(28505). [三区, 4.4, ESI高被引论文]
19. R. N. Ma#, *, Z. Jiao, Applications of Cold Plasma in Food Safety (Chapter 5: Inactivation of Fungi and Fungal Toxins by Cold Plasma), Springer, 2021. [专著]