张世洁 博士
2022.04-至今 郑州大学 讲师
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 主持的项目:
● 代表性论著:
1. Zhang, S., Han, Y., Wang, G., Feng, L., Lei, Y., Wang, Z., Xiong, S., Yang, B., Du, W., Zhi, X., Xin, M., Jiao, Y., Li, X. *., Li, Y*. Long-Term Assessments of Cotton Fiber Quality in Response to Plant Population Density: Reconciling Fiber Quality and Its Temporal Stability. Ind. Crops Prod. 2023, 198, 116741.
2. Zhang, S., Zhang, G., Wu, M., Wang, D.*, Liu, Q*. Straw Return and Low N Addition Modify the Partitioning of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction by Increasing Conversion to Ammonium in Paddy Fields. Soil Biol. Biochem. 2021, 162, 108425.
3. Zhang, S., Zhang, G., Wang, D.*, Liu, Q*. Abiotic and Biotic Effects of Long-Term Straw Retention on Reactive Nitrogen Runoff Losses in a Rice–Wheat Cropping System in the Yangtze Delta Region. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 2021, 305, 107162.
4. Zhang, S., Zhang, G., Wang, D.*, Liu, Q. *, Xu, M. Investigation into Runoff Nitrogen Loss Variations Due to Different Crop Residue Retention Modes and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates in Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems. Agric. Water Manag. 2021, 247, 106729.
5. Zhang, S., Zhang, G.*, Wang, D.*, Liu, Q. Long-Term Straw Return with N Addition Alters Reactive Nitrogen Runoff Loss and the Bacterial Community during Rice Growth Stages. J. Environ. Manage. 2021, 292, 112772.
● 联系方式:
E-mail: sjzhang@zzu.edu.cn