李亚兵 博士
● 工作经历:
2021.05-至今 农业农村部作物机械化生产指导组 专家
2020.01-至今 郑州大学 特聘教授
2017.01-至今 国家棉花产业技术体系 岗位科学家
2015.01-至今 中国农业科学院棉花研究所 研究员/栽培室副主任
2008.01-2014.12 中国农业科学院棉花研究所 副研究员
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 主持的项目:
● 代表性论著:
1. Huang, W., Wu, F., Zhang, Z., Meng, Y., Wang, J., Li, Q., Han, Y., Feng, L., Li, X., Wang, G., Lei, Y., Fan, Z., Yang, B., Xiong, S., Xin, M., Li, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2023. The nitrogen footprint and reactive nitrogen reduction potential of cotton production in China. J. Clean Prod. 136808
2. Zhang, S., Han, Y., Wang, G., Feng, L., Lei, Y., Wang, Z., Xiong, S., Yang, B., Du, W., Zhi, X., Xin, M., Jiao, Y., Li, X.*, Li, Y.*, 2023. Long-term assessments of cotton fiber quality in response to plant population density: Reconciling fiber quality and its temporal stability. Ind Crops Prod 198.
3. Zhang, Z., Wang, J., Xiong, S., Huang, W., Li, X., Xin, M., Han, Y., Wang, G., Feng, L., Lei, Y., Yang, B., Li, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2023. Orychophragmus violaceus/cotton relay intercropping with reduced N application maintains or improves crop productivity and soil carbon and nitrogen fractions. Field Crops Res. 291, 108807.
4. Han, W., Liu, S., Lei, Y., Zhang, Y., Han, Y., Wang, G., Feng, L., Li, X., Li, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2023. Climate warming accelerates cotton growth while cultivar shifts extend the growth period. Field Crops Res. 293, 108850.
5. Guo, X., Zhang, Z., Sun, G., Xiong, S., Han, Y., Wang, G., Li, C., Li, Y.*, Zhang, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2023. Relay intercropping cover crop combined with reduced nitrogen application improves subsequent cotton agronomic traits while maintaining yield and quality. Crop Sci.
6. Li, Q., Huang, W., Wang, J., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Han, Y., Feng, L., Li, X., Yang, B., Wang, G., 2023. Quantitative evaluation of variation and driving factors of the regional water footprint for cotton production in China. Sustainable Production and Consumption 35, 684-696.
7. Wang, Y., Chen, J., Wu, F., Yang, B., Han, Y., Feng, L., Wang, Z., Li, X., Lei, Y., Xiong, S., Wang, G., Zhi, X.*, Li, Y.*, 2023. Optimizing plant type structure to adjust the temporal and spatial distribution of water consumption and promote the growth and yield formation of cotton. Eur. J. Agron. 147.
8. Sultana, F., Dev, W., Xin, M., Han, Y., Feng, L., Lei, Y., Yang, B., Wang, G., Li, X., Wang, Z., Xing, F., Xiong, S., Li, Y.*, 2023. Competition for Light Interception in Different Plant Canopy Characteristics of Diverse Cotton Cultivars. Genes (Basel) 14.
9. An, J., Z.G. Zhang, X.F. Li, F.F. Xing, Y.P. Lei, B.F. Yang, Wang, Z., Han, Y., Chen, H., Wang, G., Feng, L., Du, W., Li, Y.*, 2022. Loose and tower-type canopy structure can improve cotton yield in the Yellow River basin of China by increasing light interception. Arch Agron Soil Sci 920-933.
10. Huang W, Wu F, Han W, Li Q, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, Li X, Yang B, Lei Y, Fan Z., Xiong, S., Xin, M., Li, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2022. Carbon footprint of cotton production in China: Composition, spatiotemporal changes and driving factors. Sci Total Environ 821.
11. Sun G, Zhang Z, Xiong S, Guo X, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, Lei Y, Li X, Yang B, Xing F, Xin, M, Chen, H., Li, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2022. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and ammonia volatilization from cotton fields by integrating cover crops with reduced use of nitrogen fertilizer. Agr Ecosyst Environ 332.
12. Wang J, Li X, Zhang Z, Li X, Han Y, Feng L, Yang B, Wang G, Lei Y, Xiong S, Xin M, Wang, Z.*, Li, Y.*, 2022. Application of image technology to simulate optimal frequency of automatic collection of volumetric soil water content data. Agric. Water Manag. 269(5):107674
13. Wu F, Yang B, Guo S, Huang W, Lei Y, Xiong S, Han Y, Wang Z, Feng L, Li X, Wang G, Chen J*, Li, Y.*, 2022. Adopting different cotton cropping systems may regulate the spatiotemporal variation in soil moisture and affect the growth, WUE and yield of cotton. Ind Crops Prod 186.
14. Wu F, Qiu Y, Huang W, Guo S, Han Y, Wang G, Li X, Lei Y, Yang B, Xiong S, Xin M, Chen J, Wang, Z.*, Feng L*, Li, Y.*, 2022. Water and heat resource utilization of cotton under different cropping patterns and their effects on crop biomass and yield formation. AGR FOREST METEOROL 323:109091.
15. Xiong S, Huang T, Li T, Li X, Wang Z, Hu K, Li, Y.*, 2022. Changes in Phosphorus Fractions in Response to Uniconazole Application in Cotton Functional Leaves. J. Plant Growth Regul 14:1-9.
16. Yang B, Feng L, Li X, Yang G, Ma Y, Li, Y.*, 2022. Effects of plastic film mulching on the spatiotemporal distribution of soil water, temperature, and photosynthetic active radiation in a cotton field. PeerJ 10:e13894.
17. Zhang Z, Wang J, Huang W, Chen J, Wu F, Jia Y, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, Li X, Lei Y. Yang B, Xiong S, Li, Y.*, Wang Z*, 2022. Cover crops and N fertilization affect soil ammonia volatilization and N2O emission by regulating the soil labile carbon and nitrogen fractions. Agr Ecosyst Environ 340(6):108188
18. Zhang Z, An J, Xiong S, Li X, Xin M, Wang J, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, Lei Y, Yang B., Xing F, Li, Y.*, Wang Z*, 2022. Orychophragmus violaceus-maize rotation increases maize productivity by improving soil chemical properties and plant nutrient uptake. Field Crops Res. 279:108470
19. Chen H, Zhao X, Han Y, Xing F, Feng L, Wang Z, Wang G, Yang B, Lei Y, Xiong S, Li X. Li, Y.*, 2021. Competition for Light Interception in Cotton Populations of Different Densities. Agronomy Basel 11.
20. Li X, Lei Y, Han Y, Wang Z, Wang G, Feng L, Du W, Fan Z, Yang B, Xiong S, Xing F., Xin M, Li, Y.*, 2021. The relative impacts of changes in plant density and weather on cotton yield variability. Field Crop Res 270.
21. Wang G, Feng L, Liu L, Zhang Y, Li A, Wang Z, Han Y, Li, Y.*, Li C*, Dong H., 2021. Early Relay Intercropping of Short-Season Cotton Increases Lint Yield and Earliness by Improving the Yield Components and Boll Distribution under Wheat-Cotton Double Cropping. Agriculture Basel 11.
22. Wang Q, Chen H, Han Y, Xing F, Wang Z, Feng L, Wang G, Yang B, Lei Y, Xiong S, Li X., Xin M, Li, Y.*,2021. Effect of Spatial-Temporal Light Competition on Cotton Yield and Yield Distribution. Agronomy Basel 11.
23. Wang Z, Wang G, Han Y, Feng L, Fan Z, Lei Y, Yang B, Li X, Xiong S, Xing F, Xin M., Du W, Li C, Li, Y.*, 2021. Improving cropping systems reduces the carbon footprints of wheat-cotton production under different soil fertility levels. Arch Agron Soil Sci 67: 218-233.
24. Wang Z, Zhai L, Xiong S, Li X, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, Fan Z, Lei Y, Yang B, Xing F., Xin M., Du W, Li, Y.*, 2021. February orchid cover crop improves sustainability of cotton production systems in the Yellow River basin. Agron Sustain Dev 41.
25. Zhang J, Han Y, Li Y*, Li X, Wang G, Wang Z, Du W, Feng L*, 2021. Inhibition of apical dominance affects boll spatial distribution, yield and fiber quality of field-grown cotton. Ind Crops Prod 173.
26. Zhang N, Tian L, Feng L, Xu W*, Li Y*, Xing F, Fan Z, Xiong S, Tang J, Li C, Li L., Ma Y, Wang F, 2021. Boll characteristics and yield of cotton in relation to the canopy microclimate under varying plant densities in an arid area. Peerj 9.
27. Zhang, X., Zhou M.Y., Li Y, Z.Y. Liu, Y. Chen D.H.*, 2021. Nitrogen spraying affects seed Bt toxin concentration and yield in Bt cotton. J Integr Agric 20: 1229-1238.
28. Zhang Z, An J, Han Y, Feng L, Li X, Xiong S, Xing F, Xin M, Li Y*, Wang Z.*, 2021. Advantages of an Orychophragmus violaceus-maize rotation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reactive nitrogen losses and increasing net ecosystem economic benefits on the North China Plain. J. Clean Prod. 317.
29. Zhang Z, Li X, Xiong S, An J, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, Lei Y, Yang B, Xing F, Xin M., Du W, Li Y*, Wang Z.*, 2021. Orychophragmus violaceus as a winter cover crop is more conducive to agricultural sustainability than Vicia villosa in cotton-fallow systems. Arch Agron Soil Sci 68: 1487-1500.
1. 《中国棉花景气报告2017-2019》. 中国农业出版社. 2021 主编
2. 《棉花生产农机农艺融合技术》. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2020副主编
3. 《中国棉花栽培学》. 上海科学技术出版社. 2019 副主编
4. 《中国棉花景气报告2016》. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2017 主编
5. 《棉花生产机械化技术》. 江苏大学出版社. 2017 副主编
6. 《当代全球棉花产业》. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2016 副主编
● 联系方式:
E-mail: criliyabing1@163.com liyabing@