

日期:2022-04-21 信息来源: 浏览量:

杨蓓,女,博士,副教授,研究生导师,在国内外重要期刊《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Knowledge and Information Systems》、《BMC Bioinformatics》、《BMC Systems Biology》、《计算机研究与发展》等和国际学术会议发表多篇论文,主持和参与多项省部级厅和国家级课题的研究与开发项目。





2013.10-2015.10在美国University of Southern Mississippi做访问学者和research scientist,合作参与美国自然科学基金资助项目研究(Biological Network Modeling and Analysis, subcontract of the "Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems").



Papers (Parts)

1. Bei Yang*, Yaohui Xu, etc. MICRAT: a novel algorithm for inferring gene regulatory networks using time series gene expression data. BMC Systems Biology 2018, 12(Suppl 7):115,19-29.

2. Huajuan Ren, Bei Yang*. Clustering-Based Prototype Generation for Imbalance Classification. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference of Smart and Electrical Automation. 422-426. Aug 2019.

3. Bei Yang*, Yaohui Xu. Reconstructing Gene Regulation Network Based on Conditional Mutual Information. Proceeding of the 2017 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic, Control and Automation Engineering. 2017.05. 39-42.

4. Joseph Luttrell IV, Zhaoxian Zhou, Yuanyuan Zhang, Chaoyang Zhang, Ping Gong, Bei Yang and Runzhi Li.A deep transfer learning approach to fine-tuning facial recognition models. 2018 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA),May,2018, 2671-2676

5. Andrew Maxwell1, Runzhi Li, Bei Yang, etc. Deep learning architectures for multi-label classification of intelligent health risk prediction. BMC Bioinformatics 2017, 18(Suppl 14):523,121-131

6. Xi Wu, Bei Yang, etc. A Simplified Linear Model for Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks. Proceeding of the 2015 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology. 2015.07

7. Xi Wu, Bei Yang, etc. Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Network Using Princile Component Analysis. Emerging Trends in Applications and Infrastructures for Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems ---Biology Systems and Applications. ISBN 978-0-12-804203-8.  2016. Morgan Kaufmann. Elsevier. 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

8. Yang Bei*, Huang Houkuan. TOPSIL-Miner: An efficient algorithm for mining top-K significant itemsets over data streams. Knowledge and Information Systems (SCI).2010. 23(2):225-242

9. 杨蓓*,黄厚宽. 挖掘数据流界标窗口的top-K频繁项集. 计算机研究与发展(EI). 2010. 47(3).463-473

10. Yang Bei*, Huang Houkuan, Wu Zhifeng. TOPSIS:Finding Top-K Significant N-Itemsets in Sliding Windows Adaptively. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2008. 21(6). 443-449

11. Yang Bei*, Huang Houkuan. Discovering the K Most Frequent Itemsets over Data Streams Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2008. 4(6). 2903-2912

12. 杨蓓*,黄厚宽. 数据流上的分位数近似算法研究. 计算机研究与发展. 2008. 45(2). 287-292

13. Yang Bei*, Huang Houkuan, Wang Zhihai. An Efficient Algorithm for Quantile Computation over Data Streams. Proceeding of the 2th Int. Conf. on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications. 2007.136-141

14. 杨蓓*,黄厚宽. 基于MAS的协作学习机制研究. 计算机研究与发展.2006. 132-136

15. Wu Zhifeng, Huang Houkuan, Yang Bei, Zhang Ying. A Modified Differential Evolution algorithm with Self-adaptive Control Parameters. Proc. of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2008). 2008. 524-528.

16. Wu Zhifeng, Huang Houkuan, Zhang Xiong, Yang Bei, Dong Hongbin. Adaptive Equalization Using Differential Evolution. Proc. of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC' 2008). 2008. 1962-1967.

17. Junaid Abdul Wahid, Lei Shi, Yufei Gao, Bei Yang, Lin Wei, Yongcai Tao, Shabir Hussain, Muhammad Ayoub, Imam Yagoub. Topic2Labels: A framework to annotate and classify the social media data through LDA topics and deep learning models for crisis response. Expert Systems with Applications.

18. Junaid AW, Shi L, Gao Y, Yang B, Tao Y, Wei L, Hussain S. 2021. Topic2features: a novel framework to classify noisy and sparse textual data using LDA topic distributions. PeerJ Computer Science, 2021. 7:p.e677.

19. Junaid Abdul Wahid, Lei Shi , Yufei Gao,, Bei Yang, Yongcai Tao,and Lin Wei,and Shabir Hussain.Identifying and Characterizing the Propagation Scale of COVID-19 Situational Information on Twitter: A Hybrid Text Analytic Approach. Applied Sciences. 2021,11,6526.

20. Gabriel Idakwo, Sundar Thangapandian, Joseph Luttrell, Yan Li, Nan Wang, Zhaoxian Zhou, Huixiao Hong, Bei Yang, Chaoyang Zhang  and Ping Gong. Structure–activity relationship-based chemical classifcation of highly imbalanced Tox21 datasets. Journal of Cheminformatics.(2020)12:66

Projects (Parts)

l 美国国家科学基金资助项目EPSCoR (NSF #EPS-0903787) :“Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems”,2009-2014,参与

l 融合中原人群参照基因库的食管癌等恶性肿瘤精准诊断辅助决策系统研究与实现. 河南省科技攻关项目. 2019.01-2021.09.主持

l 大数据挖掘技术在智慧医疗中的应用研究.河南省教育厅高等院校重点项目. 2017.01-2019.12.主持

l 高通量测序严重药物毒副反应相关基因位点检测试剂盒的研发与应用.郑州市协同创新重大专项. 2020.06-2023.06. 参与



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