

暑期课堂《WTO and E-Commerce》课程方案

Course on "WTO and E-Commerce"

Duration of course:  30 Hours for all 10 modules

(Proposed Two Weeks course with 2 hours each day)

To be implemented by:  Zhengzhou University in collaboration with UNCTAD.

Target audience:  Students, Professors, and Practitioners (private and government) who are interested in the WTO issues.


  1. Module I: Introduction to the course and Structure of WTO?


  • Introduction to the course on WTO, International Trade and E-Commerce

  • Introduction to WTO – its structure and coverage


    Trade allows countries to produce and sell goods and services in which they have an advantage and through trade allows them to buy other products and services they need. E-Commerce is changing the way countries trade. In this context, this module will introduce the course and thereafter, examine why countries trade and analyze the various supporting theories. Do these theories explain e-commerce? An introduction to the WTO, its key features, organizational setup and coverage will then be discussed.

  1. Module II: Trade Data and Analysis


  • Introduction

  • Trade Classification Systems

  • WITS

  • Market Access and Trade Composition

  • Market Access and Trade Indicators

  • China in World Trade

  • China’s WTO tariff commitments and FTAs

  • Trade Flows

This module will cover introduction to basics of trade data, introduction to trade classification systems such as the Harmonised System of Nomenclature (HS), ISIC, SITC and BEC. It will also include WTO tariff profile and Multilateral Trade Negotiation (MTN) Products categorization and origin of HS system. The module will include an introduction to the World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS) - where participants will learn how to generate a WITS query, undertake grouping tasks in WITS query and linking of trade date with MFN tariff data. Market access and trade composition will analyse China’s exports and imports for MTN product group. Discussion on market access and trade indicators will include a demonstration of calculation on trade balance; Unite Value and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA).

  1. Module III: WTO Agreement on Agriculture


  • Introduction to the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)

  • Importance of AoA for China

  • Market Access

  • Domestic Support

  • Export Competition

  • Negotiations under Doha Development Agenda

  • Data Sources and WTO notifications

  • Specific China’s commitments under its Protocol of Accession to the WTO


    This module discusses WTO's Agreement on Agriculture – its importance for China and its various pillars.  Market access and domestic support (green box, amber box and other components of domestic support) will be also discussed. Data sources such as FAOSTAT, USDA, GAIN Reports, World Bank, Index mundi will explored and analysed by the participants.

  1. Module IV: Key Principles of General Agreement on Tariff and Trade, 1994


  • Principles of non-discrimination – National treatment (Article III) and Most-favoured nation treatment principle (Article I)

  • Tariffs and Quantitative restrictions (Articles II, XI, XIII)

  • General Exceptions (Article XX)

  • Security Exceptions (Article XXI)

  • Exception for customs union and free trade areas (Article XXIV)

This module will discuss some of the key provisions of GATT 1994. Non discriminatory principles of most-favoured nation treatment (MFN) in Article I and national treatment (NT), along with their exceptions will be explored. In this context, participants will also learn abut the concept of "like products". Tariffs, tariff schedules and prohibition on quantitative restrictions will be explored. General exceptions, security exceptions and exception of free trade agreements will be discussed n details. For each key principle, its evolution, WTO jurisprudence emerging from disputes and practical usage will be delved into.

  1. Module V: Trade Remedies


  • Overview of Anti-dumping, Safeguards and Subsidies and countervailing duties

  • WTO Agreement on Anti-Dumping –  Initiation, Dumping Margin: Practice and WTO jurisprudence

  • WTO Agreement on Anti-Dumping - Injury, Causal Link, Duty Imposition and Review: Practice and WTO jurisprudence

  • WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Subsidy Rules and WTO jurisprudence

  • Countervailing Duty Investigation: Practice and WTO jurisprudence

  • WTO Agreement on Safeguards: Overview

  • Notification obligations under Safeguards Agreement

  • Practical Exercises

  • Specific China’s commitments under its Protocol of Accession to the WTO

    This module will introduce and provide details of the three trade remedy instruments allowed under the WTO. It will discuss in detail the three agreements corresponding to the three instruments, namely –  the WTO Agreement on Anti-Dumping, the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and the WTO Agreement on Safeguards. It will discuss the rules and investigation procedures provided in these agreements. Special focus will be on WTO jurisprudence and practical exercises. China’s commitments in its Accession Protocol to also be examined.

  1. Module VI: TBT and SPS Agreements


  • Introduction to Non-Tariff Measures and their relevance

  • Overview of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement)

  • Technical regulations

  • Standards

  • Conformity Assessment Procedures

  • Notifications to the WTO under the TBT Agreement

  • Overview of the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement)

  • SPS measures

  • Harmonization and Risk Assessment

  • Adaptation to regional conditions

  • Notification to the WTO under the SPS Agreement

  • Scope of TBT Agreement vs. SPS Agreement

  • Specific China’s commitments under its Protocol of Accession to the WTO

This module will discuss the WTO TBT and SPS Agreements, the key concepts therein along with the relevant WTO jurisprudence. Discussions on the TBT Agreement will focus on the obligations relating to technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures. Discussions on the SPS Agreement will discuss the scope and coverage of an SPS measure and strong link between an SPS measure and science. Obligations relating to harmonization and adaptation to regional conditions will be examined. Notification requirements under both the agreements will be covered. China's commitments in its Accession Protocol to also be covered.

  1. Module VII: WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)


  • Introduction to GATS

  • Key Concepts such as MFN and national treatment

  • Domestic regulations and market access

  • Identifying interests in the Services sector

  • Scheduling of services, including practical exercises on it

  • Specific China’s commitments under its Protocol of Accession to the WTO

This module will discuss GATS and its key principles. Special focus will be on domestic regulation and its importance in services liberalization. Market access and scheduling of services will also be discussed, along with practical exercises. China's commitments in its Accession Protocol will also be covered.

  1. Module VIII: Agreement on Trade-related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)


  • Different kinds of intellectual property rights (IPRs) viz. patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications etc.

  • Introduction to TRIPS Agreement

  • TRIPS and Public Health

  • Specific China’s commitments under its Protocol of Accession to the WTO

This module will introduce and elaborate upon the concept of intellectual property rights or IPRS. It will discuss the different kinds of IPRs recognized under the TRIPS Agreement. Special focus will be on TRIPS Agreement and its impact on public health issues. China’s commitments in its Accession Protocol will also be covered.


  1. Module IX: WTO's Dispute Settlement Mechanism


  • Origin and overview of WTO's dispute settlement mechanism

  • Introduction to the Dispute Settlement Understanding or DSU

  • Different stages of the dispute process – consultations, panel, Appellate Body, implementation

  • Challenges faced by developing countries in the dispute process

  • Special and Differential treatment provisions

  • Recent controversies surrounding the DSU and the Appellate Body

    This module will discuss the different stages of dispute resolution available under the WTO's DSU. It will elaborate upon each stage of the process and highlight the special and differential treatment provisions available. It will highlight the challenges faced by developing countries in the dispute process, especially on account on high costs, lack of legal/technical capacity, weak government-industry interface, and implementation issues. The module will also look into some of the recent controversies surrounding the DSU and the Appellate Body.

  1. Module X: Emerging Issues


· Progress in Doha round and Buenos Aires ministerial conference: Key outcomes

· Investment Facilitation

· WTO proposals on E-Commerce

· Global value chains (GVCs)

· Trade and MSMEs

· Trade and Gender

This module will discuss the status of Doha round of negotiations at the WTO and the myriad range of emerging issues. It will try to understand the implication of having binding WTO rules on these issues for developing countries.

