
职 称:教授
职 务:郑州大学管理学院院长
电 话:0371-67781820
邮 箱:zhaiyunkai@zzu.edu.cn
➢ 互联网医疗系统与应用国家工程实验室副主任
➢ 移动医疗技术与服务国家地方联合工程实验室主任
➢ 河南省智能健康信息系统国际联合实验室主任
➢ 互联网医药电子商务与主动健康服务河南省工程实验室主任
➢ 河南省数字医疗工程技术研究中心副主任
➢ 数字化远程医疗服务河南省工程实验室副主任
➢ 中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会理事
➢ 中国统计教育学会理事
➢ 中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会远程医疗信息化专业委员会副主任委员(前任秘书长)
➢ 中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会卫生健康互联网+远程医疗联盟秘书长
➢ 中国互联网医疗健康产业联盟副秘书长
➢ (工信部)5G应用产业方阵(联盟)副理事长、智慧医疗工作组组长
➢ 中国统计教育学会卫生统计分会常务委员
➢ 中国计算机学会会员、区块链专委会委员
➢ 河南省区块链研究会副会长
➢ 河南省卫生信息学会远程医疗信息化专业委员会副主任委员
➢ 硕士研究生课程:管理研究方法论、大数据技术与管理决策
➢ 博士研究生课程:管理科学与工程理论与方法、信息处理理论与方法
[1] “互联网+”背景下远程医疗服务价值创造机理研究,河南省科技进步二等奖,排名1(2018)
[2] 面向多端共享的远程医疗体系构建与关键技术,河南省科技进步一等奖,排名2(2016)
[3] 组织间合作创新及其知识转移粘滞研究,河南省社科优秀成果奖二等奖,排名1(2013)
[4] 公立医院产权制度改革的理论与应用研究,河南省科技进步二等奖,排名2(2012)
[5] 基于国家农村信息化平台的远程医疗综合服务系统构建与示范应用,河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖,排名2(2015)
[6] Effect on the inter-nodes cooperative innovation Performance of Supply Chain from Knowledge Transfer Stickiness(KTS),河南省自然科学一等奖,排名1(2011)
[7] 面向自主创新性学习的本科《第三方物流》课程教学改革研究,河南省教育科学成果一等奖,排名1(2010)
[8] “互联网+”背景下远程医疗服务价值创造及其支撑体系,河南省育厅科技成果一等奖,排名1(2018)
[9] 管理研究方法论,河南省首届教材建设奖二等奖(2021)
[7]组织间知识转移粘滞的形成机理及降粘关键技术研究(主持),教育部科学技术研究重点项目,10 万元,2011.1-2012.12
[8]基于国家农村信息化平台的河南省农村远程医疗服务系统构建与示范(主持),河南省重大科技专项课题,50 万元,2012.8-2014.12
[9]远程医疗服务系统协调机制研究(主持),河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目,40 万元,2015.12-2018.12
[10]两轮驱动的我省公立医院利益相关者互动的动态治理模式研究(主持),河南省政府决策招标项目,1 万元,2012.9-2014.8
[11]产学研合作知识粘滞形成机理分析及降粘方法与技术研究(主持),河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目,4 万元,2012.1-2014.12
[14]河南省公共卫生突发事件应急指挥与救治(第二负责人),河南省对外合作项目,90 万元,2013.1-2014.12
[15]公共卫生突发事件数字化指挥与救治平台的构建与应用(第二负责人),河南省科技攻关计划项目,60 万元,2011.1-2013.12
在IEEE Network、IEEE Internet of Things Journal、JMIR、TFSC、Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare、Telemedicine and e-Health、Science of the Total Environment等权威国际期刊及《中国软科学》、《控制与决策》等国内期刊发表论文200余篇,SCI检索30余篇,在科学出版社等权威出版社出版学术著作23部,在机械工业出版社等出版教材6部。代表性论文如下:
[1] 5G Network-enabled Smart Ambulance: Architecture, Application, and Evaluation. IEEE Network Magazine, 2021, SCI(影响因子10.693,中科院一区,TOP刊)(第一作者)
[2] A Security Awareness and Protection System for 5G Smart Healthcare Based on Zero-Trust Architecture, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021,SCI(影响因子9.47,中科院一区,TOP刊)(通讯作者)
[3] Influencing factors of patient satisfaction in teleconsultation: A cross-sectional study,Technological Forecasting & Social Change,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2021, SCI/SSCI(影响因子8.593,中科院一区,TOP刊)(通讯作者)
[4] Impact of the Internet on Medical Decisions of Chinese Adults: Longitudinal Data Analysis,JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, 2020,SCI (影响因子5.428,中科院一区,TOP刊)(通讯作者)
[5] A deep automated skeletal bone age assessment model via region-based convolutional neural network. Future Generation Computer Systems,2019,SCI(第一作者)
[6] Design and Application of a Telemedicine System Jointly Driven by Videoconferencing and Data Exchange: Practical Experience from Henan Province, China. TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH,2019,SCI(影响因子3.536)(第一作者)
[7] Design and Implementation of a Message-Based Regional Telemedicine System to Achieve High Availability and Scalability[J]. Telemedicine and e-Health.2018MAY,SCI(影响因子3.536),通讯作者
[8] Efficacy of te lemedicine for thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare, 2015, 21(3):123-130,SCI(影响因子6.184),第一作者
[9] Effectiveness of Telemedicine for Controlling Asthma Symptoms, Telemedicine and e-Health, 2015, SCI(影响因子3.536), 通讯作者
[10] Public health co-benefits of greenhouse gas emissions reduction: A systematic review,Science of the Total Environment,2018,SCI(影响因子7.963),通讯作者
[11] 互动感知对邀请方医生持续参与远程医疗意愿影响研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2020,第一作者
[12]混合决策下考虑第三方偏好的远程医疗服务匹配方法,控制与决策,[J/OL].控制与决策,2021. 通讯作者
[15] 远程医疗的价值分析:基于河南省远程医学中心的实践[J].中国卫生经济,2014,通讯作者
[4] 5G+医疗:新技术如何改变医疗产业商业模式,机械工业出版社,20万字,2019,主编
[5] “互联网+”时代的远程医疗服务运营关键问题研究,科学出版社,39.5 万字,2015,主编
[6] 基于远程医疗平台的突发公共卫生事件急救一体化系统构建与应用,科学出版社,26 万字,2015,主编
[7] 基于平台化的远程医疗系统构建,科学出版社,35万字,2015,主编
[8] 远程医疗服务的价值创造机理与发展策略研究,重庆大学出版社,39万字,2016年,独著
[9] 组织间知识转移粘滞及其对创新绩效的影响研究,河南人民出版社,37万字,2012年,主编
[10] 河南省远程医疗技能与应用培训教材 2015 版,郑州大学出版社,40.7万字,2015,主编
[11] 管理研究方法论,郑州大学出版社,90万字,2016,主编
[12] 运营管理,机械工业出版社,72.3 万字,2015,参编
[13] 财务管理,机械工业出版社,53.7 万字,2014,参编
[14] 远程医疗技术与应用丛书,1套6册,130万字,主编,2018
[15] 远程医疗科普丛书,1套6册,90万字,主编,2019
[8]软件著作权:面向协同医疗的区域影像会诊系统 V1.0
[9]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的心电远程会诊系统 V1.0
[10]软件著作权:面向协同医疗的远程影像会诊系统 V1.0
[11]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的内镜示教系统 V1.0
[12]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的远程病理会诊系统 V1.0
[13]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的医疗信息集成平台 V1.0
[14]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的远程内镜会诊系统 V1.0
[15]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的远程超声会诊系统 V1.0
[16]软件著作权:面向区域协同医疗的手术示教系统 V1.0
[1] 宝钢优秀教师奖获得者
[3] 河南省教学标兵
[4] 河南省技术标兵
[5] 河南省青年骨干教师
[6] 河南省教学技能竞赛特等奖
[7] 河南省高校科技创新人才
[8] “医疗大数据分析与临床应用”河南省高校科技创新团队带头人
[9] “远程医疗”河南省高校科技创新团队骨干
[10] 中国医疗卫生”十佳“CIO
[11] 郑州大学青年教学名师培养对象
[12] 郑州大学优青培养对象
[13] 郑州大学《管理研究方法论》研究生核心课程负责人
[14] 郑州大学先进工作者
[15] 郑州大学青年骨干教师
[16] 郑州大学优秀引进人才
[17] 郑州大学先进个人
[18] 国家大学生创新创业计划项目指导教师
[19] 负责落实2014年河南省人民政府十大民生工程项目“远程医疗科技惠民工程”
[20] 负责落实2016年河南省委省政府重点民生实事工程项目“‘互联网+医疗’下基层科技惠民工程”
Dr. Yunkai Zhai
Academic Title :Professor(Doctoral Tutor, Master Tutor)
Job Title:Associate Dean, School of Management Engineering, Zhengzhou University
Tutor category: Master's tutor/doctoral tutor(D.Sc in Management Science and Engineering, EngD in Service Management)/ international doctoral tutor/ international master's tutor
Research Interests: Medical Information Systems and Management, Medical Service Models and Quality, Medical Networking and Medical Health Big Data, Theory and practice of ICT enabled management innovation, etc.
Office: Office Building of School of Management Engineering, National Engineering Laboratory of Internet Medical Systems and Applications
Individual Resume
Dr. Yunkai Zhai, male, born in Xiping, Henan in 1980, graduated from Wuhan University of Technology in 2008 with a PhD degree in Management Science and Engineering. Dr. Zhai is currently the deputy dean of the School of Management Engineering of Zhengzhou University, professor, doctoral tutor, deputy director of the National Telemedicine Center, executive deputy director of the Henan Telemedicine Center, and the head of the Telemedicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University. He is the person in charge of the postgraduate core curriculum construction project of Zhengzhou University's Management Research Methodology, the winner of the May 1st Labor Medal of Henan Province, the Henan Provincial Teaching Model, the Henan Provincial Technical Model, the Henan Young Key Teacher, the Henan Provincial Teaching Skills Competition Special Award, Zhengzhou University advanced workers, young backbone teachers of Zhengzhou University, scientific and technological innovation talents of Henan universities, outstanding talents of Zhengzhou University, training objects for young teachers of Zhengzhou University and excellent training objects of Zhengzhou University. Dr. Zhai is one of the main young academic and technical backbones in the field of medical information management and data analysis in China.
Job of Research Platform
➢ Deputy Director of National Engineering Laboratory of Internet Medical Systems and Applications
➢ Director of National Joint Engineering Laboratory of Mobile Medical Technology and Services
➢ Director of Henan Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Internet Medical E-Commerce and Active Health Service
➢ Deputy Director of Digital Medical Engineering Technology Research Center of Henan Province
➢ Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Digital Telemedicine Service
Academic Posts
➢ Commissioner of Chinese Health Information and Big Data Association
➢ Commissioner of China Statistical Education Association
➢ Deputy Chairman (Former Secretary-general) of Telemedicine Informatization Professional Committee of Chinese Health Information and Big Data Association
➢ Secretary General of Chinese Health Internet + Telemedicine Alliance of Chinese Health Information and Big Data Association
➢ Deputy Secretary General of China Internet Health Industry Alliance
➢ Vice President of the 5G Application Industry Matrix (Alliance), Team Leader of the Smart Medical Working Group of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
➢ Standing Committee Member of Health Statistics Branch of China Statistical Education Association
➢ Deputy Director of the Telemedicine Informationization Committee of Henan Health Information Association
Dr. Zhai is also the deputy director of the Expert Committee of the Internet + Hypertension Prevention and Control Center of Henan Province, etc. He is an advisory committee expert in the field of medical information management in many provinces. He has published more than 20 industry lectures at home and abroad every year. He has rich scientific research and business contacts with major domestic medical institutions, and is responsible for setting up the nation's leading telemedicine comprehensive service. There are more than 1,000 networked medical institutions, and the foundation of industrial cooperation and scientific research is solid.
➢ Master's Program: Management Research Methodology
➢ PhD Program: Management science and engineering theory and method, information processing theory and method
Scientific Research Awards
[1] Research on the value creation mechanism of telemedicine services under the background of “Internet +”, the Second Prize of Henan Science and Technology Progress Award, Rank 1 (2018)
[2] Telemedicine system construction and key technologies for multi-terminal sharing, the First Prize of Henan Province Science and Technology Progress Award, Rank 2 (2016)
[3] Research on inter-organizational cooperative innovation and knowledge transfer stickiness, the Second Prize of Henan Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, Rank 1 (2013)
[4] Research on theory and application of property right system reform in public hospitals, the Second Prize of Henan Science and Technology Progress, Rank 2 (2012)
[5] Construction and demonstration application of telemedicine comprehensive service system based on national rural information platform, the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Achievements of The Education Department of Henan Province, Rank 2 (2015)
[6] Effect on the inter-nodes cooperative innovation Performance of Supply Chain from Knowledge Transfer Stickiness (KTS), the First Prize of Natural Science of Henan Province, Rank 1 (2011)
[7] Research on teaching reform of undergraduate "third party logistics" course for independent and innovative learning, the First Prize of Henan Education Science Achievements, Rank 1 (2010)\
[8] Value creation and support system of telemedicine service under the background of "Internet +", the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Achievements of The Education Department of Henan Province, Rank 1 (2018)
Scientific Research Projects
Dr. Zhai undertakes National Key Scientific and Technological Special Projects, National Science and Technology Program for the Benefit of the People, Special Projects for Guiding Local Science and Technology Development by the Central Government, Major Science and Technology Projects in Henan Province, Special Projects for Science and Technology for the Benefit of the People of Henan Province, and other major national and provincial science and technology projects and more than 30 scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the General and Key Projects of the Ministry of Education, the Science and Technology Innovation Team and Innovative People Projects of Henan Universities. The accumulated research funding of individuals is more than 10 million yuan, and the research funding of the team is over 100 million. Dr. Zhai is an academic leader and backbone member of the leading research team in the field of Internet medical information systems and management, medical health big data governance and application, and medical health service quality management.
[1] Construction and implementation of precision medicine consortium and its supporting system (host), the National “Precise Medical Research” Key Research and Development Sub-Project, 3.15 million yuan, 2017.8-2021.7
[2] Construction and demonstration application of the four-level linkage telemedicine comprehensive service model (host), Special Project of the National Science and Technology Project for the Benefit of the People, 1.8 million yuan, 2013.12-2017.6
[3] Construction of telemedicine big data application model for precision medical care, data quality and effect evaluation (host), Central Guiding Local Science and Technology Development Special Project, 1 million yuan, 2016.8-2018.7
[4] Construction and demonstration application of medical health big data analysis system based on telemedicine cloud platform (host), Major Science and Technology Project of Henan Province, 1 million yuan, 2016.1-2019.12
[5] County-level grading diagnosis and treatment system based on telemedicine platform and its demonstration application in cardiovascular disease prevention and control (host), Special Project of Science and Technology Project for the Benefit of the People of Henan Province, 1 million yuan, 2016.10-2018.10
[6] Research on quality evaluation of telemedicine services based on big data technology (host), General Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Project of Ministry of Education, 100,000 yuan, 2016.7-2019.6
[7] Research on the formation mechanism of knowledge transfer viscous between organizations and the key technology of viscosity reduction (host), Science and Technology Research Key Project of Ministry of Education, 100,000 yuan, 2011.1-2012.12
[8] Construction and demonstration of rural telemedicine service system in Henan Province based on national rural informatization platform (host), Major Science and Technology Project in Henan Province, 500,000 yuan, 2011.8-2014.12
[9] Research on coordination mechanism of telemedicine service system (host), Henan University Science and Technology Innovation Talent Support Program, 400,000 yuan, 2015.12-2018.12
[10] Two-wheel drive research on the dynamic governance model of stakeholder interaction in public hospitals in our province (host), Henan Provincial Government Decision-Making Bidding Project, 10,000 yuan, 2011.9-2014.8
[11] Analysis of the mechanism of viscosity formation of industry, university and research cooperation knowledge and research on viscosity reduction method and technology (host), Natural Science Research Project of Department of Education of Henan Province, 40,000 yuan, 2012.1-2014.12
[12] Research on the influencing factors and evaluation model of telemedicine quality in the big data environment (second person in charge), National Natural Science Foundation of China, direct funding of 480,000 yuan, 2017.1-2020.12
[13] Construction and application of regional PACS system for telemedicine (second person in charge), Science and Technology Innovation Outstanding Youth Project of Henan Province, 300,000 yuan, 2013.12-2016.12
[14] Emergency Command and Treatment of Public Health Emergencies in Henan Province (Second Person in Charge), Henan Foreign Cooperation Project, 900,000 yuan, 2013.1-2014.12
[15] Construction and application of digital command and rescue platform for public health emergencies (second person in charge), Scientific and Technological Research Project of Henan Province, 600,000 yuan, 2011.1-2013.12
[16] Telemedicine technical team (second person in charge), Henan University Science and Technology Innovation Team Support Plan Project, 1 million yuan, 2015.12-2018.12
[17] “One Belt and One Road” telemedicine system planning and development strategy (second person in charge), China Academy of Engineering Strategic Consulting Project, 300,000 yuan, 201701-201812
[18] Construction of regional and multi-polarized wisdom medical information platform strategy research (second person in charge), China Academy of Engineering Strategic Consulting Project, 300,000 yuan, 201101-201912
[19] Henan University Science and Technology Innovation Team: Medical Big Data Processing and Clinical Application (Team Leader), 1 million yuan, 2011.1-2020.12
Dr. Zhai also presided over or assume the role of the second person in charge of the National 863 Project, Military Secrecy Project, China Academy of Engineering Strategic Consulting Project, National Health and Family Planning Commission Standard Development and Testing Project, Soft Science Project of Shanghai, Major Cultivation Project of Zhengzhou University, Humanities and Social Science Project of Department of Education of Henan Province, Science and Technology Research Key Project of Department of Education of Henan Province, Henan Youth Key Teacher Project, Youqing Cultivation Project of Zhengzhou University, Youth Teaching Master Training Program of Zhengzhou University, Interdisciplinary Team Project of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, etc. 18 projects.
Scientific Research Paper
Dr. Zhai has published more than 150 papers and more than 20 SCI papers in international journals such as Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare、Telemedicine and e-Health、Science of the Total Environment、JBUON and domestic journals such as Chinese Soft Science. He has published 20 academic works and 6 textbooks in authoritative publishing houses such as Science Press and Mechanical Industry Press. Representative papers are as follows:
[1] A deep automated skeletal bone age assessment model via region-based convolutional neural network. Future Generation Computer Systems 98 (2019) 54–59 ,SCI, First Author
[2] Design and Application of a Telemedicine System Jointly Driven by Videoconferencing and Data Exchange: Practical Experience from Henan Province, China. TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH,2019,SCI, First Author
[2] Design and Implementation of a Message-Based Regional Telemedicine System to Achieve High Availability and Scalability [J]. Telemedicine and e-Health.2018MAY, SCI, Corresponding Author
[3] Efficacy of telemedicine for thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare, 2015, 21(3):123-130,SCI,First Author
[4]Clinical-and cost-effectiveness of telemedicine in type 2 diabetes mellitus,Medicine, 2014, 93(28): e312. SCI,First Author
[5] Effectiveness of Telemedicine for Controlling Asthma Symptoms, Telemedicine and e-Health, 2015, Jun21(6):484-492, SCI, Corresponding Author
[6] Research on the functions of developing telemedicine service and establishing regional medical conjoined system,Journal of Buon,2016 , 21 (5) :1061-1067,SCI,First Author
[7] Public health co-benefits of greenhouse gas emissions reduction: A systematic review,Science of the Total Environment,627 (2018) 388–402,SCI,Corresponding Author
[9] Research on Organizational Structure Design of Telemedicine System Construction Project under Collaborative Perspective, China Soft Science, A Level Journal, 2016(10), First Author
[10] Policy constraints and solutions to the development of telemedicine in China [J]. Chinese Journal of Health Management, 2014, 31 (10): 728-730, First Author
[11] Discussion on key issues in the construction of regional collaborative medical information platform [J]. Chinese Journal of Hospital Management, 2014, 30 (8): 580-582, First Author
[12] Value Analysis of Telemedicine: Based on the Practice of Henan Telemedicine Center [J]. China Health Economics, 2014, 33(10): 15-17, Corresponding author
[13] Research on the Factors Affecting the Quality of Telemedicine Services——Based on the Model of Service Quality Gap, Health Economics Research, 2018(2), First Author
[14] Analysis of patient behavior based on big data mining of electronic medical record information, Medical Informatics, 2017(6): 12-17, First Author
[15] Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Value of Patients Participating in Telemedicine Services, China Health Economics, 2018(2): 13-16, First Author
Published Monographs and Textbooks
[1] 5G+Medical: How does new technology change the business model of the medical industry, Mechanical Industry Press, 200,000 words, 2019, First Author
[2] Research on Key Issues in Telemedicine Service Operation in the Age of "Internet +", Science Press, 395,000 words, 2015, First Author
[3] The construction and application of a first-aid integrated system for public health emergencies based on telemedicine platform, Science Press, 260,000 words, 2015, Second Author
[4] Platform-based telemedicine system construction, Science Press, 350,000 words, 2015, Second Author
[5] Research on value creation mechanism and development strategy of telemedicine service, Chongqing University Press, 390,000 words, 2016, Unique Editor
[6] Knowledge transfer viscous between organizations and its impact on innovation performance, Henan People's Press, 370,000 words, 2012, First Author
[7] Henan Province Telemedicine Skills and Application Training Textbook 2015 Edition, Zhengzhou University Press, 40.7 million words, 2015, Chief Editor
[8] Management Research Methodology, Zhengzhou University Press, 900,000 words, 2016, Chief Editor
[9] Operation Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 72.3 million words, 2015, Edited
[10] Financial Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 537,000 words, 2014, Edited
[11] Telemedicine Technology and Application Series, 1 set of 6 volumes, 1.3 million words, Chief Editor, 2018
[12] Telemedicine Science Series, 1 set of 6 volumes, 900,000 words, Chief Editor, 2019
Other Intellectual Property Rights and Achievements
Dr. Zhai has obtained more than 40 software copyrights, declared or authorized 15 invention patents, and formulated 4 national industry standards.
[1] Software copyright: Regional image consultation system for collaborative medical treatment V1.0
[2] Software copyright: ECG remote consultation system for regional collaborative medical care V1.0
[3] Software copyright: remote imaging consultation system for collaborative medical care V1.0
[4] Software copyright: Endoscopic teaching system for regional collaborative medical care V1.0
[5] Software copyright: Remote pathology consultation system for regional collaborative medical treatment V1.0
[6] Software copyright: Medical information integration platform for regional collaborative medical care V1.0
[7] Software copyright: Remote endoscopy consultation system for regional collaborative medical care V1.0
[8] Software copyright: remote ultrasound consultation system for regional collaborative medical care V1.0
[9] Software copyright: Surgical teaching system for regional collaborative medical treatment V1.0
[10] Software Copyright: Remote Hypertension Intelligent Collection and Screening System V1.0
[11] Software copyright: Graded diagnosis and treatment platform based on telemedicine V1.0
[12] Software copyright: cloud platform based chronic disease management system V1.0
[13] National Health and Family Planning Industry Standards: Interaction Specifications between Telemedicine Information System and Unified Communications Platform
[14] National Health and Family Planning Industry Standards: Basic Functional Specifications for Telemedicine Information Systems
[15] National Telemedicine Information System Construction Technical Guide 2014\
Other Honors and Achievements
[1] Henan May 1st Labor Medal Winner
[2] Teaching Model of Henan Province
[3] Technical Model of Henan Province
[4] Young backbone teachers in Henan Province
[5] Teaching Skills Competition Special Award of Henan Province
[6] Science and technology innovation talents in Henan universities
[7] “Medical Big Data Analysis and Clinical Application” Leader of Science and Technology Innovation Team in Henan Province
[8] “Telemedicine” backbone of science and technology innovation team in Henan Province
[9] China's medical and health "Top Ten" CIO
[10] Youth Teaching Masters Training Objects of Zhengzhou University
[11] Training Objects of “Excellent Youth Fund Project of National Natural Science Foundation” in Zhengzhou University
[12] Head of Postgraduate Core Program of Management Research Methodology, Zhengzhou University
[13] Advanced Worker of Zhengzhou University
[14] Young backbone teachers of Zhengzhou University
[15] Excellent talents introduced by Zhengzhou University
[16] Advanced Individual of Zhengzhou University
[17] National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program Project Instructor
[18] Responsible for implementing the “Telemedicine Science and Technology Huimin Project” of the Ten People's Livelihood Project of the People's Government of Henan Province in 2014
[19] Responsible for the implementation of the “Establishment of Science and Technology for the People under the Internet” by the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government
Admissions Instructions
Dr. Zhai recruits outstanding students who have a certain scientific research foundation, steadfast in study, correct attitude, hardworking, motivated, and innovative. Students in cross-learning backgrounds such as information, mathematics, software, and electronics have priority for admission. Dr. Zhai will provide the country's leading scientific research platform and data resources, superior research and communication environment and development opportunities, and sufficient research funding.
The doctoral students and outstanding master students (exam-free student, the top 5 in the comprehensive ranking of admissions in Management Science and Engineering major, the top 2 in the comprehensive ranking of graduate students in technical economics and management major) recruited by the team will be awarded a scholarship of 3000-5000 yuan for outstanding freshmen, providing opportunities for exchanges at famous universities, famous hospitals or abroad.